Constellation Natural Gas
Unified energy solutions for your business
The right natural gas plan is one that’s designed just for you
Constellation is one of the nation’s leading retail natural gas suppliers. Our presence in the market includes trading, transport and storage, physical gas supply, pricing, and more. We deliver more than 1.6 billion dekatherms of natural gas annually to customers nationwide. There has been a shift in the energy industry where energy buyers are no longer solely focused on purchasing commodities. New energy managers entering energy management are coming on board with the responsibility to create an integrated energy management strategy, which might incorporate commodities with energy efficiency and sustainability solutions.
Features & Benefits
An easy and comprehensive approach to managing your natural gas supply. SmartPortfolio uses investment principles to help protect your strategy from volatility.
Minimize Volatile Pricing (MVP)
A strategy that manages the commodity portion of your total gas cost. Purchases are made at regular intervals through an algorithm based on market data.
Managed Portfolio Services (MPS)
A strategy that manages just the basis component of your total gas cost. Basis transactions are systematically made on your behalf in advance of flow.
Layer in a combination of fixing and floating to design your own risk management portfolio.
Let your price float with the market to take advantage of market movements.
Fixed Price
Lock in a price at a single point in time for the term.
Request a Consultation
Tell us about your business and we’ll find a solution that fits your needs.