Telesystem WiFi Engagement & Analytics

Access real-time demographic insights

Movement Intelligence

Even before your visitors connect to your WiFi, our captive portal can begin to gather presence information about who is occupying your space and how they move about. The information is fed directly into our analytics portal where you can filter and segment the data to identify patterns and trends.

  • Presence Analytics bridge the gap between Google Analytics and the real world, offering real-time data and reporting using WiFi technology. It’s similar to how cookies track user browsing online, giving venues an unprecedented level of insight into consumer behavior and opportunities to engage customers directly through proximity marketing triggered by a user's location, behavior, or demographic.
  • Track your customers’ movements around your venue
  • Identify visitor journeys and trends
  • Measure venue occupancy
  • Utilize footfall and heat mapping
  • Create and manage geo-fenced zones
  • Identify new vs. repeat visitors

Advanced Wayfinding

Our proprietary blue dot Advanced Wayfinding technology offers real-time location tracking indoors, and the ability to create highly personalized and end-to-end navigation experiences for patients, guests, and employees. With digital maps, highlighting key points of interest, turn-by-turn directions, and location-based notifications, WiFi Engagement and Analytics Wayfinding makes indoor navigation simple.

  • Branded digital maps support user-friendly indoor navigation with point-to-point directions to guide users to their destination, managed via a universal CMS.
  • Accurate blue dot positioning within 1.5 meters
  • Step-by-step route audio instructions
  • Rerouting notifications
  • Location-based messaging and alerts (geofencing)
  • Highly intuitive UI/EX
  • Mobile responsive web accessibility (non-app/non-mobile users)
  • Data insight about facility usage and navigation patterns