AMI Strategies

Vendor expense management

Managed Mobility Services

Combining the art of domain expertise with the science of automation to optimize all aspects of your corporate wireless program.

What Can Mobility Hyperautomation Do For You?

  • Spend Optimization: Our continuous spend optimization & benchmarking services compare your rates against the market, identify unused devices and services, and ensure you are always right-sized on your subscriptions.
  • SmartAudit™ & Cost Avoidance: Every mobility invoice is audited against contractual rates, inventory, and MACD activity. Through our centralized ticketing, all changes are policy-driven, ensuring predictability on future invoices.
  • Dispute Management & Cost Recovery: AMI leads the charge, from identifying disputable charges to initiating and managing every carrier dispute to resolution. Every dispute and status can be viewed in real-time on our administrative dashboard.
  • Full-Service Administration: Mobility administration is hands-off for you and hands-on for us. Our expert team does all of the heavy liftings in ensuring every aspect of your mobility program runs smoothly.

Telecom Expense Management

Where we started over 30 years ago. And with Fortune 1000 customers who have been with us for 15+ years, you know we do it right.

Why Customers Choose AMI for TEM

  • Automated Invoice Collection: We use Robotic Process Automation (RPA) and/or EDI to collect your invoices from your carriers and service providers to ensure every invoice is captured and processed immediately when it is available.
  • Invoice Processing at the Most Granular Level: Much deeper than any three-way matching review, we process invoices to the lowest granular level, capturing every aspect of usage and cost to ensure we can audit, analyze and optimize against your contracted rates.
  • SmartAudit™ & Dispute Management: Once processed, your invoices are audited programmatically against usage, inventory, contracts, trends, taxation, and carrier hand-off fees to find savings outside of standard rate changes. Nothing slips through the cracks.
  • Invoice Consolidation, Approvals & Payments: We take the busywork out of consolidating your invoices and making payments. With the ability to adapt to multilanguage and international currencies, AMI is your one-stop shop for invoice processing, coding, auditing, dispute, approval and payment, giving your AP department room to breathe.

Utility & Sustainability Management

Much more than rapid invoice processing, AMI creates your baseline for energy usage and spend, allowing you to set targets, measure results, prioritize improvements, and export consumption data into any desired environmental reporting framework on demand.

Why Customers Choose AMI for Utility

  • All Locations in One Pane of Glass: View all of your locations, cost centers, their corresponding utility providers, contracts, consumption and spend all in one platform, with customizable dashboards summarizing the information you want to see.
  • Immediate Labor Savings: Free up the time spent by your staff tracking, receiving, sorting, scanning, processing and coding your on-site utility bills.
  • Historical & Future Utility Cost Savings: Our comprehensive audit review of your utilities analyzes your usage and identifies any historical tariff errors, overcharges and incentive programs you qualify for, typically uncovering large sums of money that have been historically overpaid – even in regulated markets.
  • Automated Invoice Collection: We use Robotic Process Automation (RPA) and/or EDI to collect your invoice data from your carriers to ensure every invoice is captured and processed immediately when it is available.

Cloud Management

Public or private, single provider or many, AMI’s Cloud Management suite helps you reduce costs by 30%, provision 150x faster, strengthens your security posture and provides the role-based governance required to roll self-service provisioning out to your teams to eliminate Shadow IT.

Proactive Cloud Cost Control

  • Enable FinOps teams with the tools, analytics and reports to lower hybrid cloud costs by 30% on average. With synchronization every 5 minutes, your inventory is always up to date, allowing you to make real-time decisions on where workloads should be provisioned.

Self-Service Provisioning

  • Speed up application deployment by 150x or more through role-based access controls and group designations with built-in guardrails so employees get what they want in real-time without sacrificing your security posture.

Customized Self-Service Catalogs

  • Utilize more than 50 preloaded common applications or build your own catalog to run workflows for configuration management, embed security policies, and more through role-based access privileges designated at the user or group level.

True Private Cloud Creation

  • With AMI’s no-code interface, turn VMware, Nutanix, KVM and other hypervisors into multi-tenant-ready private clouds while easily integrating CMDB, networks, IPAM, DNS, Load Balancers and more.

Strengthened Security & Compliance

  • Control Shadow IT by enabling granular access controls for your team wrapped in predefined role-based catalogs and templates without sacrificing your security posture. Leverage Security Scan Jobs to create and schedule Security Content Automation Program (SCAP) scans for groups of managed systems. Import SCAP files, schedule scan jobs, and view the results including risk scores and severity to help prioritize remediation efforts.

ServiceNow Consulting, Development & Deployment

For over a decade, AMI has been helping enterprises source, design, configure, and deploy scalable ServiceNow foundations across their organizations.

The Right Partner at the Right Time

  • Whether you are short-handed or just looking to enhance your bench with a team that’s done it before, AMI can temporarily or permanently be your source of ServiceNow domain expertise. AMI can help:
  • Source ServiceNow licenses
  • Provide best practices and design the right solution
  • Jump into in-flight or stalled projects
  • Add developers to your existing bench
  • Project manage your roadmap
  • Develop, configure, and deploy
  • Provide ongoing maintenance

Managed Automations

AMI has been using Industry 4.0 automation technologies for years. Now, we are making our technologies, operations, and experience accessible to anyone who wants to fast-track their journey out of manual business processes and improve their gross margins.

What's Preventing You From Automating Your Business Processes?

  • It's Hard To Do: Sure it is – but only if you’ve never done it before. We bring the tech and the know-how to rapidly deploy automation into any tactical business process
  • I Don't Have The Staff: With AMI, you don’t need to resource your automation solution. We design, deploy, and manage your automations as a managed service so you can focus on your core business
  • I Don't Have The Time: It is very difficult to internally deploy an automation solution in parallel to performing the manual processes they’re meant to replace. Let AMI do the heavy lifting and we will let you know when we’re ready to flip the switch
  • It Costs Too Much: AMI deploys proven technologies supported by experienced professionals so you don’t have to waste your time and money on trial, error, and teething
  • It Will Take Too Long: By eliminating the unknowns of automation technologies, AMI can get you up and running in a fraction of the time of in-house deployments
  • It May Not Work: We use these automation technologies every day. We also know what technologies to use for what situations. If we don’t see a fit, we’ll be the first to tell you