Astound Dark Fiber

Unlimited bandwidth on private network

Total control & security with no equipment or protocol restrictions

Astound Dark Fiber gives you total control and security with no equipment or protocol restrictions. We provide the fiber. You light it with whatever equipment you need. The result is your own ultra-fast, customized network compatible with any optical equipment and applications. Our dark fiber is secure and scalable with virtually unlimited bandwidth. Use your own electronics to maintain direct operational control while leveraging our fiber network.

Top Features

  • Secure

    Your sites are directly connected and avoid any outside network traffic.

  • Scalable

    The only limit on your bandwidth is the equipment you choose to use.

  • Independent

    You have total access to manage and troubleshoot your network as and when you see fit.

  • Adaptable

    Dark Fiber works with any optical equipment and poses no limits to the applications you run.
