SolarWinds Database Performance Monitor

Open-source DB performance monitoring

24/7 Real-Time Database Health Tool

Improve performance with insights into database health.

Elevate your database health monitoring

  • SolarWinds® Database Performance Monitor (DPM) is designed to continuously monitor database performance, providing insight into health and detailed performance metrics day-to-day, down to the second. DPM helps make database health checks simple with the help of flexible tools and expert guidance that can fill a critical gap in your monitoring stack, including the ability to provide instant recommendations on where to change server configuration or find queries with potentially bad behavior.

Enhance database health monitoring with adaptive fault detection

  • Traditional database monitoring can miss tiny interruptions to service or server availability that may potentially have a larger effect on database performance in the future. SolarWinds Database Performance Monitor is built to solve this problem with its patented Adaptive Fault Detection technology, which is designed to detect faults in the database server and storage subsystem to help you more easily investigate and resolve what’s causing the faults before they can lead to major outages.

Build custom dashboards to support real-time monitoring

  • When it comes to real-time database health monitoring, having visibility into the key metrics you’re tracking is essential. SolarWinds Database Performance Monitor is designed to continuously monitor key metrics tied to database health and allow you to build custom dashboards, so you can get insights into what’s important to you. With custom dashboards in DPM, you can:
  • Track metrics and watch for trends with health summaries for databases and systems
  • Get recommendations based on best practices
  • Explore performance outliers
  • Manage resource capacity
  • Compare database performance before and after releases

Stay on top of database health monitoring with automated alerting

  • Database Performance Monitor includes a powerful, customizable alerting system to notify the appropriate stakeholders about inferred or detected abnormalities to the host, system, queries, and more before they have a chance to affect database availability or performance. Once alerted, DPM is built to be easier for database administrators to navigate and locate the information they need to begin addressing the problem with user-friendly dashboards.

Monitor key elements of your database, whether it’s on-premises, hybrid, or in the cloud

  • SolarWinds Database Performance Monitor is a SaaS platform designed for database health monitoring for on-premises, hybrid, or cloud-based databases. DPM is built to deploy agents to pull data from a host to continuously monitor the function and performance of databases in real time.

Troubleshoot and Diagnose Database Outages

Dive deeper, find answers, and mitigate future risk.

Get the answers you need fast with a database troubleshooting tool

  • What do you do first when you notice a problem in your database? SolarWinds® Database Performance Monitor (DPM) gets answers fast by helping you uncover potential issues that might be connected to an error or outage. Down-to-the-second data collection can show you where you should start investigating to find the root cause, so your team can make changes, solve the current issue, and avoid future problems. Application development and DevOps teams can also use DPM to proactively prevent and minimize outages and achieve proven results.

Gain a better understanding of your database health to make troubleshooting database issues easier

  • To resolve potential issues before they turn into huge bottlenecks, you need to understand your database’s baselines. DPM is built to provide a unified view of database types, so you can get a bird’s-eye view of your systems. The easy-to-use dashboard helps you visualize thousands of collected metrics, track them, and watch for trends or performance outliers that may not match your database’s health summary. In addition, this database troubleshooting tool offers recommendations based on best practices, so you can more confidently and quickly take effective steps to optimize your database.

Dig deeper into database troubleshooting with adaptive fault detection

  • When database troubleshooting with DPM, you can dig deeper into potential issues by using the tool’s Adaptive Fault Protection feature. This feature is designed to help you find minor interruptions in server or service availability that might indicate a fault or cause serious outages later. In the DPM interface, faults are arranged from left to right in a timeline view. The height of the fault indicates severity and the width indicates duration. Click on any fault to find more information and drill down on root cause.

Connect with your team and share database server troubleshooting checklists

  • DPM also helps you and your team get better at database troubleshooting over time. You can create and share postmortem documentation across your team using DPM Notebooks with text, code snippets, links, and images. You can correlate query response or behavior to system metrics to better understand impacts, isolate unusual behavior and potential contributing factors within the database, and build a knowledge base, so when you’re troubleshooting similar database issues in the future, the process will be more streamlined.

Team Efficiency

Empower your engineering and DevOps teams with database monitoring.

Improve database performance and team productivity with real-time visibility

  • Before releasing code to production, your entire team—developers, QA, DBAs, and DevOps can use SolarWinds® Database Performance Monitor (DPM) to visualize the impact and runtime of upcoming changes. You can use visual performance analysis, deep SQL parsing and heuristics, and execution plan analytics to spot events/trends.

Go back in time to diagnose problems

  • DPM provides historical performance data so your team can catch early-onset events or detect outliers and stop them from escalating. DPM keeps high-granularity data for as long as needed, and low-granularity data for over a year by default. You can zoom into any point in the past for capacity planning, scalability and analysis giving your teams full visibility to successfully manage database performance.

Deploy Code With Confidence

Understand the impact of new code releases instantly.

Database performance monitoring for DevOps

  • Your team regularly deploys new code, but with every release, there’s the risk of unintended effects on your database and queries not performing as intended. SolarWinds® Database Performance Monitor (DPM) helps application engineers, including DevOps teams, see exactly how new code impacts database workload and query response, even before it’s deployed. With high granularity insight into database workload and query response, DPM database performance monitoring makes it easy to detect issues. And once you have the metrics, you can quickly share insights with your team, accelerating development of improvements.

Ship better code faster with SolarWinds Database Performance Monitor

  • See query response before and after a deployment event
  • Compare the performance of your top queries over time
  • Search for newly introduced queries in two clicks
  • Examine query details and performance, including samples, execution plans, and more
  • Document release performance results using markdown syntax and share with your team

System Performance

Database System Performance Monitoring for Tuning and Identifying Bottlenecks Minimize database systems performance bottlenecks and tune more effectively.

Optimize your system with deep database visualization

  • SolarWinds® Database Performance Monitor (DPM) is designed to make it simpler to track the metrics you need to tune databases. The cloud-based platform in DPM can monitor thousands of metrics across your systems at one-second resolution for full visibility into your database workload. These high-granularity metrics are visualized across an intuitive interface with zoom-in and drill-down capabilities.

Troubleshoot database issues faster using intelligent analytics

  • DPM is built to provide smart analytics to help you quickly diagnose issues, so you can make code improvements and resolve outages faster. Instead of browsing individual metrics to identify the root cause of application performance issues, DPM can help you troubleshoot more easily by providing intelligent analytics like automated query analysis, bottleneck visualizations, and more.

Prevent future database outages with adaptive fault detection

  • DPM is built with adaptive fault detection technology to allow you to detect small interruptions more easily in the server or service availability. A fault is best described as a brief stall, where requests like queries and I/O operations continue to arrive but aren’t serviced.

Monitor database system performance efficiently from a web-based user interface

  • As a SaaS platform, DPM offers an intuitive web-based user interface to help you streamline your database management efforts. DPM also allows several customization options to help make the database monitoring dashboard views work better for your purposes, such as the ability to simply create and share dashboard views that include only the metrics important to you.

Get real-time alerts when delays and interruptions exceed an acceptable threshold

  • A major advantage of a real-time database monitoring system is the ability to address database performance issues as soon as they arise. DPM allows you to establish custom thresholds for each of your database metrics, with alerts delivered straight to your inbox, Slack, VictorOps, and other messaging platforms.