Peace of mind for your guests and staff

SensLynx Panic Button Systems help protect your company's most valuable asset; its people. It is an easy-to-use push button that will accurately report the location of any employee, anywhere on your property. It provides the technology and installation procedures necessary to set up the panic button system on your properties. We then provide training materials necessary for your staff to ensure ongoing success.

Top Features

  • Superior accuracy

    Room level accuracy locates staff on your building's custom floor plan. Our system also tracks both indoors and outdoors.

  • Quick and easy installation

    No IT or electric rewiring is required. Professional installation and ongoing staff training are included.

  • Simple to use

    Keep your guests and staff safe, knowing that help is only a button press away. Boost employee retention and morale, too, with the extra assurance that you're watching out for their well-being on the job.

Must-Have Features

Why Panic Buttons?

Panic buttons help protect your company's most valuable asset; it's people! It is an easy-to-use push button that will accurately report the location of any employee, anywhere on your property.
