11:11 Systems Managed Backup for Cohesity

Industry-leading security

The smart, scalable solution for seamless backup management

As internal and external cyber threats continue to evolve, 11:11 Systems offers protection for your data, no matter where it lives. 11:11 Managed Backup for Cohesity is a fully managed service that ensures the integrity of your on-premises backup data. By combining a Cohesity appliance deployed on-site with 11:11’s onboarding, configuration, and ongoing management, you get secure, scalable backup in a single, seamless solution. It removes the complexity, disruptions, and headaches associated with siloed legacy backup infrastructure. As a result, your mission-critical data remains secure, while also freeing up the time and resources of your IT team to focus on what matters: delivering business value.

Top Features

  • Simplify backup management with seamless software and expert managed services.

  • Simplify data protection by eliminating backup siloes and managing backup and recovery through a single, integrated interface.

  • Recover your data virtually instantly to meet (or exceed) business service-level agreements (SLAs).

  • Protect your data with industry-leading security while ensuring its accessibility and availability.

  • Reduce your overall total cost of ownership (TCO) for backup management.

  • Scale out quickly and easily to keep pace with business requirements.


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