
Cybersecurity & zero trust leader

Secure Internet and SaaS Access

AI-powered protection for all users, web/SaaS apps, and devices.

Secure web gateway replacement

  • Embrace the web and SaaS confidently with the cloud native, AI-powered Zscaler SWG.

Superior cyber protection

  • Prevent compromise by sophisticated threats like ransomware, phishing, supply chain attacks, and more with full TLS/SSL inspection and a comprehensive suite of AI-powered cyberthreat protection services.

Robust data protection

  • Safeguard sensitive data and protect SaaS apps with integrated Cloud DLP and CASB.

Secure Private Access

Fast, secure, and reliable private app access for all users from any device or location.

Secure hybrid workforce

  • Enable productivity from any location with seamless, secure access to applications and an uninterrupted user experience with universal ZTNA.

VPN alternative

  • Modernize and secure remote access for your data center/cloud applications and OT systems when you replace your legacy VPN with the world’s most deployed ZTNA solution.

On-campus ZTNA

  • Bring users back to the office securely with consistent remote and in-office access and experience.

VDI alternative

  • Give your users a faster, smoother experience than slow, expensive legacy VDI while protecting data on BYOD or unmanaged devices.

Support for third-party access

  • Extend secure private app access to third-party vendors, contractors, and suppliers with superior support for BYOD and unmanaged devices without an endpoint agent.

Minimize attack surface

  • Eliminate attack surface and prevent lateral movement by leveraging user-to-app and app-to-app segmentation, connecting users directly to private apps with identity-based authentication and access policies.

Multicloud connectivity

  • Help your organization thrive in a hybrid and multicloud environment with superior workload-to-workload communications.

M&A integration

  • Accelerate mergers and acquisitions by enabling quick and secure app access without integrating the networks.

Prevent Data Exposure with Zero Trust

Deliver unmatched protection across all users, cloud apps, and devices with Zscaler Data Protection.

Secure data in motion

  • Legacy approaches can’t scale TLS/SSL inspection or follow data. CASB Cloud App Control and Inline DLP let you quickly find and block risky cloud apps while ensuring discovery and control of high-value data across all TLS/SSL, on the network or off.

Protect data at rest

  • Accidentally sharing sensitive data only takes a few clicks. Easily scan data residing in SaaS and private clouds. Revoke risky sharing that exposes data, and scanning content for malware with sandboxing.

Control dangerous integrations

  • Do you know what’s connected to your SaaS platforms? With Zscaler AppTotal, find dangerous third-party apps that users have connected to your SaaS platforms. Discover and quickly remediate risks associated with these apps to keep data safe.

Secure endpoint data

  • You need strong endpoint control to secure devices. With Zscaler Endpoint DLP, secure device data from dangerous lateral movement initiated by users or departing employees. Leverage a unified DLP policy to block Bluetooth, network shares, printing, or removable media.

Stop data loss to BYOD

  • Close risky gaps introduced by unmanaged devices. Enable a productive experience for BYOD employees or partners while stopping data loss. Stream data as pixels with Browser Isolation to prevent copy, paste, download, and print.

Protect against misconfigurations

  • Misconfigurations are the leading causes of breaches. Continuously scan SaaS and public clouds for risky settings or compliance violations. Quickly identify dangerous misconfigurations and enable rapid remediation.

Optimize Your Digital Experiences

Keep users productive by rapidly detecting and resolving app, network, and device issues.

Hybrid workforce experience monitoring

  • Hybrid work has increased ticket resolution time by 30%. Detect issues that impact user experience, reduce mean time to resolution, and keep employees productive no matter where they are.

UCaaS monitoring

  • By 2023, 70% of businesses will rely on virtual meetings, according to Metrigy research. Ensure optimal experiences with an integrated view of application, network, and device health as well as the audio, video, and sharing quality of Microsoft Teams and Zoom calls.

ZTNA visibility

  • 97% of businesses have or are adopting Zero Trust architectures which often shuts out existing monitoring tools. Regain end-to-end visibility to operate effectively, to optimize performance, and to rapidly fix issues impacting end user experience and productivity.