Segra and UPN Connectivity

Connectivity options for your business

Ethernet to DIA to wireless backup

Balancing the capacity of your routers against the volume of traffic on your network demands time and attention — two things your tech teams don’t have enough of. Segra and UPN Connectivity delivers tailored networking solutions for businesses, offering high-speed internet and fiber optic services. With a focus on reliability, our fiber-based infrastructure ensures secure and rapid data transfer, minimizing downtime. Beyond internet access, we provide advanced networking features supporting diverse applications. Accessible from various devices, Segra fosters agility in today's dynamic business landscape. As a trusted partner, we offer dedicated support and customization to align solutions with specific organizational goals.

Top Features

  • Symmetrical download and upload speeds

    Another performance benefit of fiber connectivity is symmetrical upload and download speeds when transferring data to and from the internet. In other words, the network delivers consistent access performance to both incoming and outgoing data, enabling online transactions and data traffic to complete quickly and reliably, at a predictable level of performance.

  • Service quality, reliability and availability

    Segra fiber connectivity services are ideal for all types of applications that require QoS guarantees, including voice, video, virtual private networks (VPNs) and services to remote workers and servers. Segra fiber also supports Class of Service capabilities that prioritize bandwidth for voice and video traffic.
