Datadog Workflow Automation

Automatically run workflows

Automate your remediation processes across your tech stack

Datadog Workflow Automation enables you to easily automate and orchestrate processes across your tech stack with more than 300 out-of-the-box actions and more than 40 customizable blueprints, all accessible through a point-and-click interface. By seamlessly integrating real-time observability data with automatic remediation, you can take instant action in response to problems, enabling you to resolve issues faster and with greater confidence.

Starting at $120.00 /Year

Top Features

  • Auto-remediation

    - Trigger custom workflows automatically in response to monitors and security signals, or schedule them in advance.
    - Enrich your workflows with real-time monitoring data, facilitating quicker and more informed remediation.
    - Instantly access and trigger your workflows from anywhere in the Datadog platform, including your dashboards, alerts, and signals.

  • Visual workflow builder

    - Easily automate routine tasks, on-call procedures, security tasks, remediation processes, and more with an intuitive point-and-click builder.
    - Utilize more than 300 out-of-the-box actions to seamlessly connect to key services and technologies such as AWS, Cloudflare, GitLab, Slack, and more.
    - Build complex workflows with multi-step automation using logic operators, branching, conditions, iterations, and more.

  • Pre-built blueprints

    - Automate essential processes across DevOps, security, and more with over 40 pre-built blueprints that can be customized to align with your team’s unique workflows.
    - Create your own pre-configured action blueprints to standardize and maintain consistency in your response workflows as your organization scales.
    - Consolidate all your workflows and blueprints in a centralized hub for easy access and maintenance.

  • Controlled automation

    - Include human decision-making steps in workflows to manage critical tasks effectively.
    - Control who can access, modify, and execute workflows with granular role-based access control (RBAC).
    - Gain visibility into every workflow execution, including its status and input/output data, through a detailed debugging view.


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