Rapid incident response safety solutions

CENTEGIX Safety Platform™

Protecting the safety of your staff, colleagues and those in your care is a responsibility you take seriously. We’ve built the CENTEGIX Safety Platform to support you in the single most critical factor of incident response: time. Because in an emergency, every second matters. Built on our private, managed network, the Safety Platform is designed for rapid incident response. The more efficiently you can utilize time, the better the outcome. The Safety Platform minimizes:

  • Identification Time: All staff are empowered to quickly, easily, and discreetly indicate an emergency by simply pushing the button on their CrisisAlert badge. Always available and works anywhere on a campus, it does not depend on Wi-Fi or cellular, which have coverage gaps.
  • Notification Time: Onsite response teams immediately receive the alert notification with a Safety Blueprint map showing who needs help and precisely where they are located. Notification steps are automated to reduce human error and delays.
  • Response Time: The onsite response team has the right location and knows where safety assets are located. Local 911 takes action to neutralize the situation.

CENTEGIX Safety Blueprint™

Digital campus and asset maps streamline communication and response time for schools, healthcare and government facilities, and commercial businesses and workplaces in emergencies—from the every day to the extreme. Without updated critical incident maps, your safety is at risk. But manually capturing all the information for your buildings and assets, especially at a multi-location level, is laborious and time-intensive, making it easy to fall behind on this important safety protocol.

  • CENTEGIX Safety Blueprint is an intelligent response mapping solution to help you optimize incident response, safety planning, and visitor management.
  • Be ready for emergencies: Intelligent response mapping gives administrators and staff the ability to define and customize safety plans. So when an emergency happens, you can quickly disseminate campus information.
  • Rapid emergency response: Knowing precisely and immediately where buildings and assets are located—AED, fire alarms, first aid kits, extinguishers, and evacuation points—are the critical details first responders need to make the most of every second.
  • A single source of truth for asset management: Get rid of disparate spreadsheets and questionable version control. Staff, administrators, and other key personnel can access and update one digital map with current and precise location mapping of every building and asset.

CENTEGIX CrisisAlert™

In an emergency, getting help to the right location quickly can be the difference between a positive and negative outcome. With our CrisisAlert™ wearable panic button, staff can quickly and discreetly request help to their exact location. Because in a crisis, every second matters.

Safety Front and Center with CrisisAlert Wearable Mobile Panic Button

  • One-button activation - The CrisisAlert wearable badge has a single button, enabling discreet, quick human action in any emergency. Stay focused on the situation knowing help is on the way.
  • Immediate notification - With a push of a button, the safety alert instantly reaches administrators and responders, displaying a map of who needs help and where they are located. No delay, no valuable seconds lost.
  • Total facility coverage - Our private, managed network secures every square foot of your campus—the CrisisAlert badge functions everywhere. No matter where you are from the inside or out, office or parking area, your alert instantly reaches responders. No Wi-Fi or cell signal is needed.
  • Location accuracy - Our innovative technology provides specific location details, down to an individual floor and room, so first responders know exactly where their help is needed.

CENTEGIX Enhanced Visitor Management

New and returning people visit your campus every day. Keeping your staff safe means you need to know who’s visiting when they’re visiting, and where they’re permitted on campus. Our Enhanced Visitor Management system lets you easily check in, authenticate, and locate visitors in real-time, giving you confidence and peace of mind that only permitted, verified visitors are on your campus at all times.

Immediate Location Visibility

  • Rather than hunting room to room or calling staff on intercoms, our visitor management system combined with our innovative real-time location mapping technology pinpoints the specific location of every guest.
  • Zone-based authorization available for visitor location assignment
  • Locate all types of visitors—volunteers, contractors, parents, visiting guests, and community members—in real-time, visible through live property and building maps
  • Historical visitor location details recorded

Visitor Accountability with Efficient Check-in

  • Check in every visitor with a comprehensive, but quick process that verifies their identity, screens their background, and puts staff at ease.
  • Step 1 - Visitor checks in with your front-office staff. Our visitor management system scans their driver’s license and screens for sexual offenses, custody issues, and your custom banned list.
  • Step 2 - Your visitor is assigned a highly visible CENTEGIX visitor badge with built-in real-time locating, indicating to others they’re permitted to be on your campus.
  • Step 3 - They enter your campus fully identified and verified.

CENTEGIX Reunification

When an emergency occurs, your entire school can go from orderly to disruptive in an instant. You’ve put in all the protocols and safety solutions to get everyone to safety as quickly as possible. What happens when they get there? You need a reunification plan that helps you confidently establish all parties are safe and reunited with approved guardians. Manual reunification checklist processes are inefficient and slow down this important part of emergency recovery. Our cloud-based solution digitizes reunification to prioritize efficiency and help your team regain control when orderly turns into disarray. Because in an emergency, every second matters.

Successful Reunification in Two Steps

  • Step 1 - Gain visibility into the status of all evacuated individuals instantly. Once fully evacuated, staff and those in your care are marked safe through our proprietary software at the reunification site, providing an accurate, real-time digital roster of everyone faster than a manual paper and pencil process.
  • Step 2 - Confidently reunite students with their approved guardians. Use the software to ensure your students are authorized to leave with their guardians. The software performs a custody check, and collects signatures and timestamps for your records, ensuring all personnel are correctly reunited with the authorized guardian.