
7x24x365 real-time cyber defense services

Improved security posture and reduced costs

Banyax provides 7x24x365 managed cyber security awareness and protection services to our clients, helping to proactively protect them from falling victim to cyber-attacks. Unlike other approaches, we focus on educating and protecting your users, where 93% of cyber threats originate. We use the latest artificial intelligence and machine learning technologies to proactively educate as well as identify and mitigate abnormal endpoint behaviors before they become a real threat, delivered as a simple and cost-effective monthly service. Ultimately helping you to reduce alert noise, accelerate threat hunting, and improve your real threat detection rate while decreasing the time to mitigate.

Top Features

  • CISO as a Service

    Proactive and ongoing consulting, including recommendations and suggestions for continuous improvement to increase your overall security posture.

  • Red Team

    Ethical hackers that test your defenses and monitor strategies for our clients, identifying areas of improvement.

  • Insights Portal

    Case review, interactive monitoring dashboard, SLA tracking, User & Entity Behavior Analytics (UEBA). In short, you see what our agents and analysts see.

  • Concierge Onboarding Service for quick time to value

    Our dedicated Client Services Team maximizes your onboarding experience, ensuring quick setup and ongoing support of your service.


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