Trustifi Email Security Awareness

Email threat defense training program

Customizable Templates

Employ dynamic templates that replicate the latest and most prevalent phishing attack emails, ensuring training sessions are exceptionally realistic.

Simulated Attack Vectors Include:

  • Phishing Links
  • Fake Login Pages
  • QR Code Scams
  • BEC/Social Engineering Tactics
  • Attachment Phishing (Macro Files, Scripts, HTML, Office Files)

Diverse Array of Sophisticated Techniques

A diverse array of sophisticated techniques exposes users to multiple types of cyber threats, enhancing their ability to recognize and respond to various attack methods. This comprehensive approach ensures users are well-prepared to handle the constantly evolving landscape of cybersecurity risks.

Sophisticated Technique Types Include:

  • Brand Impersonation - Mimicking a recognized brand to deceive recipients. Attackers imitate logos, templates, and language to appear legitimate.
  • False Urgency - Creates a sense of immediate need or danger to prompt recipients to take swift actions. Phishing emails often claim urgent security issues or time-sensitive matters.
  • Social Engineering - Psychological manipulation to trick individuals into divulging information or taking actions. Common in phishing attacks to exploit human psychology.
  • Internal Impersonation - Impersonating internal departments or colleagues within an organization to deceive recipients. Often used to gain trust or manipulate users into taking specific actions.
  • Spoofing - Pretending to be a high-level executive to gain trust, request sensitive information, or instruct recipients under the guise of executive authority.
  • QR Code Deception - Using QR codes to deliver malicious content or direct users to phishing websites. Attackers disguise harmful URLs within QR codes, exploiting the trust associated with scanning codes
  • API Manipulation - Abusing API integrations to deceive recipients into granting unauthorized access to sensitive data or functionalities
  • Typosquatting - Typosquatting entails registering domains with slight misspellings or variations of legitimate ones. Attackers utilize these deceptive domains to lure users into visiting malicious websites or disclosing sensitive information