Microsoft Dynamics 365 for Financials, Business Edition

Enhance your financial decision making

Maximize financial visibility and profitability

Get a complete business and financial management solution for small and medium-sized businesses. Microsoft Dynamics 365 for Financials, Business Edition makes ordering, selling, invoicing, and reporting easier—starting on day one. Assess the health of your business, improve financial controls, and make timely decisions to drive agility and growth using comprehensive, real-time financial reporting, embedded analytics, and AI-driven insights. We enable you to monitor the performance of your company in real-time, forecast future results, and make data-driven decisions to boost the growth of your company, regardless of its size and the industry in which it operates.

Starting at $0.00 /Year

Top Features

  • Start and grow easily

    Get up and running quickly in the cloud, so changing financial management systems doesn’t get in the way of running your business.

  • Make better decisions

    Get a complete picture of your business—from accounting, sales, purchasing, inventory, and customer service—with reliable reports.

  • Connect your business

    Consolidate multiple systems into a single, connected application—one that pulls together your business process apps and familiar Microsoft Office tools—to save your employees time.


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