
Customer communications automation platform

Atmosphere CPaaS

A powerful platform built to create a new customer experience, improve processes, and solve business challenges.


  • Whether you are a coding master or have no experience, the platform is for everyone.

Omni-channel Automations

  • Omni-channel communications integrated seamlessly into your customer experience and business workflows.

Actionable insights

  • They provide full visibility into your communications data with built-in on-demand analytics, so you don’t have to bring your own.

Ready to use AI

  • Use Al to deliver more personalized experiences, guarantee happy customers, and increase agent performance.

Atmosphere Insights

Actionable on-demand visibility into all customer interactions across channels.

Track customer interactions

  • Location performance
  • Call volume
  • Historical trends

Open APIs

  • Standardized data connectors
  • Integrate existing applications
  • Two-factor authentication

Natural language processing

  • Speech recognition
  • Sentiment and tonality analysis
  • Speech-to-text & text-to-speech

Custom data analysis

  • On-demand reporting
  • Visualize data
  • Explore and filter data

Predictive decision making tools

  • Threshold alerts
  • Anomaly detection
  • Self-service options

Atmosphere Voice for Microsoft Teams

Award-winning service, all-in-one calling plans, direct routing, dynamic 911, and flexible deployment options.

Enable Teams calling

  • Secure, reliable, and flexible voice communications. Whether you’re migrating from Lync or Skype for Business or already using Teams for messaging and meeting, they have you covered with everything you need to deploy calling capabilities for Microsoft Teams.

Direct routing for Microsoft Teams

  • Flexibility and control for a seamless migration. Direct routing lets you connect to the PSTN with a complete solution, or you can bring your own SBC. Migrate to the cloud on your terms, it can support your legacy premise-based solutions alongside your new Teams deployment. Gain more control, scalability, resiliency, and cost-efficiency.

Calling plans

  • Choose your deployment option. Direct routing is complex and time-consuming. Let us handle the heavy lifting with the managed provisioning service. If you want to get in on the action, meet us in the middle with a combination of managed and self-service options. Or completely DIY with your own SBC and the calling plans.

Atmosphere Engage

Easily send and manage omni-channel campaigns.

Omni-channel campaigns

  • Provide interactive experiences rather than one-off messages Pair with Atmosphere SmartFlows® to personalize and customize conversations Conduct surveys and promptly receive feedback
  • Pair with Atmosphere SmartFlows® to personalize and customize conversations
  • Conduct surveys and promptly receive feedback


  • Set days and time windows to reach customers when they’re most receptive
  • Configure automatic retries to try again when a call is not answered
  • Input time zones to avoid calling your customers in the middle of the night

List management

  • Upload lists of contacts that can be saved and reused
  • Use contact lists to customize campaigns with customer names or other data

Atmosphere Integrations

Integrate communications into your workflows and applications.

Enhance communications

  • Create more contextual and personalized interactions. Automate outbound communications from your CRM to manage conversations across the enterprise. Quickly resolve customer inquiries by updating tickets and customer information. Create an intelligent voice and messaging bot based on your CRM data interactions to enhance the customer experience.

Easily integrate

  • Connect platform with your third-party applications. With Atmosphere SmartFlows®, you can easily build communications-enabled workflows that are integrated with your existing processes. Use open APIs to build and embed voice, SMS, and social messaging channels in your applications—kick-off processes based on internal and external interactions.

Atmosphere Voice

Build and automate voice interactions anywhere.

Add voice capabilities

  • Drag and drop voice into workflows. Easily create voice-enabled call flows for inbound and outbound interactions.

Access analytics & reporting

  • Monitor and improve performance. With robust analytics built into our platform, you’ll get actionable insights into your calling data.

Enjoy voice quality & reliability

  • Rock-solid, enterprise-grade voice solutions. No jitter or latency issues here; keep your zen with our secure and reliable, high-quality voice network.

Handle calls

  • Streamline inbound calling with automation. Provide automated self-service for customers with voice-enabled bots and business application integrations.

Atmosphere SmartFlows

Create omni-channel, communications-enabled workflows.

Natural language processing

  • Allow customers to speak their input with built-in speech recognition
  • Measure sentiment and tonality of text responses
  • Detect the language of a given text to aid in routing or analysis

Automated routing

  • Route calls to local agents based on incoming area code
  • Route calls based on time of day and day of the week
  • Route calls based on percentage so no call center gets overloaded

Built-in integrations

  • Social media integrations (WhatsApp and Facebook)
  • IBM Watson, Amazon Web Services, and Google Cloud
  • Integration guides for commonly used apps like Slack, Jira, Salesforce, and more

Atmosphere Messaging

Engage customers like never before with automated 1:1 SMS and social messaging interactions. Meet the different messaging preferences of your global customers all through one platform.

Social messaging

  • Facebook Messenger integration
  • WhatsApp integration
  • Other platforms via API

SMS messaging

  • 2-way via Long Codes and Toll-free
  • Short Code support
  • 1-way alphanumeric IDs

Useful insights

  • Messages sent and received
  • Message status
  • Message by type

Atmosphere SIP

The most flexible SIP trunking offering is seamlessly delivered anywhere, anytime.

Scalable & flexible

  • Add capacity to meet growth. Easily adjust your number of trunks depending on your business needs. Cloud-native architecture gives you access to unlimited capacity when you need it.

Disaster recovery

  • Have a backup plan before you need one. Ensure business continuity with redundant trunks and geographic routing capabilities.


  • Enjoy peace of mind. TLS/SRTP encryption and support for VPN and Direct Connects keep your network and data safe and sound.