Unified Communications as a Service

Communications are your link to your employees, partners and most importantly customers. Their UCaaS Link cloud phone system is a collaborative powerhouse. Their cloud becomes your complete phone system offering over 1000 calling features, conferencing and screen sharing, text, chat, presence and app integrations. Your HD calling will be crystal clear leveraging our Software-Defined quality of service directly to our application cloud.

Voice | Text | Chat | Video

  • Collaborating with your team or remote partners has never been easier. And because nearly 80% of company meetings today include remote participants, unified communications and video conferencing infrastructure is imperative to ensure the utmost productivity on a daily basis. Through our HD voice, text, and video support, you’ll quickly gain the ability to collaborate across devices with increased operational efficiency and individual productivity.
  • Multi-platform
  • Screen sharing
  • HD Quality
  • Audio Bridge

Seamless Real-Time Management

  • quickly move, add or make changes to your system.
  • Increased device management.
  • Call routing & scheduling support.
  • Insightful visibility and reporting.
  • The CommandLink SaaS management platform serves as your complete phone management system. Easy to manage and control, your new phone system can quickly and seamlessly move from the cloud to your mobile device on a 24/7 basis.

Dedicated Team of Engineers & Project Managers

  • We provide support the way it should be provided – professionally. Because we’re intent on providing exceptional service and support for our clients, we’ve re-invented the ways in which support services are offered. Forget about filing a support ticket, calling into a call center, and jumping from agent to agent. Instead, we’ve leveraged intelligent routing capabilities to only connect you with the engineers with the most experience, knowledge, and expertise of your unique UCaaS phone system.

Software-Defined Cloud Networking

Easily integrate into your existing network or have us develop a custom migration plan leaving your legacy IPSEC, MPLS or layer 2 private network in the dust. SDWAN is the core foundation of every next generation company's digital transformation strategy.

Application & Cloud Performance

  • Software-defined intelligent application performance drives efficiency for all of your priority cloud and SaaS applications so that they run flawlessly over multiple WAN connections. Command Link helps to simply the process, so that we can quickly identify more crucial and critical applications and then unify the performance across multiple existing or new private/[public connections, offering you infinite flexibility and performance all throughout your digital transformation.
  • Multi-platform support
  • Screen sharing support
  • Text & chat support
  • HD audio bridge

100% Uptime is a reality with Software Defined WAN

  • With Command Link’s SD-WAN Network active-active sub-second failover, 100% uptime is officially a reality. With SD-WAN, multiple access technologies like dedicated fiber, wireless, TDM, and broadband can be quickly and seamlessly unified into a single, logical functioning WAN, so that critical applications like voice or business-critical SaaS apps are routed based on priority. In addition, we’ll integrate existing, change, or add new private/public dedicated or broadband circuits to support your digital transformation strategy every step of the way.

Agile Networking

  • In our minds, businesses need their IT network and infrastructure to move with speed. Current WAN architecture often results in slow and lengthy deployment and change management, but in a fast-moving business world, it’s time to speed up deployment and automate your operations with zero-touch deployment, policy-based controls, and effective and efficient life-cycle management. At Command Link, all of our networking is backed by your dedicated project manager, your dedicated design engineer, and 24/7 CommandPODs support.


  • Next-Gen Security For Next-Gen Systems. At Command Link, our SD-Security solution provides a broad range of software-based security functions that cover everything from stateful and next-gen firewalls, malware protection, URL and content filtering, IPS and anti-virus software, DDoS and VPN/next-gen VPN protection, and so much more. Our solutions help to maximize cost and efficiency by simplifying security operations through zero-touch provisioning and automatic service chains for different security and network functions. At Command Link, we offer next-gen security for our next-gen systems.

Managed Internet Access

We simplify the Internet access circuit procurement, installation, inventory, and support process. As a telecom carrier, we have access to virtually every Internet access option. You benefit from a simple process to optimize costs, and connectivity and free up your staff's time dealing with support tickets and circuit management. In SDWAN networks, we completely unify multiple access technologies into single logical networks for always-connected performance.

Ethernet Access

  • Extreme reliability and performance with dedicated Ethernet access should be the goal for any large-scale Telecom or SaaS organization. At CommandLink, we offer our access to both fiber and copper to ensure our clients always have a viable option. Our massive network footprint hits over 100,000 lit buildings and contains endless miles of fiber that we can easily extend to your location, no matter where you’re located. Our bandwidth options range anywhere from 10 Mbps to 100 Gbps.

Broadband Access

  • High-speed asynchronous access options help to provide your organization with tremendous bandwidth at a cost-effective price that makes sense for your budget. We can implement our broadband access anywhere, including small offices, within SDWAN routing, and redundancy backup connectivity to ensure you’re always connected to a reliable source at all times. With CommandLink, your broadband access includes cable or DSL options, a massive nationwide footprint that encompasses all major broadband providers, speeds up to 100 Gbps, and a seamless audio bridge to ensure you’re always covered.

Wireless Access

  • Wireless access provides a truly diverse redundancy path to terrestrial Ethernet or Broadband. Our access footprint includes the AT&T and Verizon nationwide network for massive reach and performance.

Software Defined Security

Software-based security functions include stateful and next-generation firewalls, malware protection, URL, and content filtering. IPS and anti-virus software, DDoS, and VPN/next-generation VPN help ensure that your systems remain well prepared to fend off an attack and ensure an intrusion never occurs.

  • CommandLink’s SD-Security solution provides a comprehensive software-based security program with a number of crucial features and functions designed to ensure that your systems remain well-prepared to fend off cyber threats. Our SD-Security solutions help to maximize your security spend, while simultaneously simplifying your protocols for client operations through zero-touch provisioning and automatic service chaining between different security and network functions.

Next-Generation Firewall (NGFW)Certified Technology

  • We’ve developed our SD-Security solution with help from a number of different independent and trusted partners who can independently verify the efficacy of our systems and security features. They’ve tested our NGFW security and native SD-WAN integrated advanced threat protections to ensure that our solutions are well prepared for use in the world of telecom. CommandLink is proud to deliver an exceptional security experience for our clients with voice, video, and high VPN throughput through our certified technicians.

Intrusion Prevention Services

  • CommandLink is well known for our managed next-generation firewall (NGFW) solutions. We’ve built our intrusion prevention service based off of the experiences of our customers and clients, who have come to us in search of strategy and execution. Our Software Defined firewalls and Intrusion Prevention Services (IPS) deliver pound-for-pound, the best IPS performance available within the market today. Zero-day, advanced target attacks, ransomware, polymorphic malware, and distributed denial-of-service (DDoS) attacks require sophisticated detection engines that aren’t readily available in standalone IPS solutions. For that reason, we’ve been sure to include multiple inspection engines, threat intelligence feeds, and advanced threat protection options within our solutions to help defend against these unknown threats.

10X your IT Management

We built the only IT platform for scale that solves ISP vendor sprawl that doesn’t exist anywhere else. This is Command|Link. We make it easy for our customers to get more done, maximize uptime and improve the bottom line.