Bigleaf Networks SD-WAN Internet Optimization

Internet connectivity without complexity

Same IP Address Failover

As far as your network is concerned, Bigleaf becomes your new ISP. Your underlying Internet circuits are abstracted away, so your network doesn’t have to concern itself with changing IP addresses.

Why does this matter? Because with Bigleaf, when one of your Internet circuits has an outage, you don’t. Your IP address doesn’t change. Your VPN, remote desktop session, SSH session, VoIP call, Web Presentation, and every other application stays up!

Dynamic QoS

VoIP over cable. Web Conferencing over wireless. Electronic Medical Records over DSL. Do these ideas make you cringe?

As network engineers, they used to make us pretty nervous since QoS over the public Internet wasn’t really possible. Bigleaf solves that problem. Since we identify application traffic, and since we’re constantly aware of circuit throughput, we can successfully apply QOS policies to any circuit, ensuring that ISPs don’t buffer and delay your critical real-time traffic like VoIP. We don’t need SLA-backed circuits to provide enterprise-grade QoS.

Intelligent Load Balancing

We built Bigleaf to adapt dynamically as your Internet connections change. To accomplish that, we’ve built advanced monitoring and real-time adaptation into the core of the Bigleaf system.

Each Internet circuit that you plug in to your Bigleaf on-site router is measured 10 times per second in both directions. This provides sub-second monitoring of multiple circuit metrics, including latency, jitter, and packet loss.

Traditional load-balancers or multi-WAN firewalls use one or a few fixed IP addresses or host names to monitor the status of each Internet connection. These methods monitor a tiny subset of Internet paths to determine the entire status of each internet connection. To provide end-to-end visibility, our monitoring system measures each internet connection from your location, all the way through the majority of the internet path, to our gateway clusters.

Circuit Monitoring & Reporting

Bigleaf unlocks the hidden data on the WAN path from your business to the Cloud. You gain access to real-time and historical data from our SD-WAN software that monitors each of your Internet connections 10 times per second.

This multi-tenant web dashboard provides customers, IT consultants, and Bigleaf partners visibility, needed to troubleshoot WAN or Internet issues, evaluate bandwidth/speed adjustments, and understand the impact of network performance on application experience. This data includes statistics, graphs, and events about the performance of Bigleaf services and ISP connections.