
Software adoption experts

Box file sharing that’s outside the box

If your organization owns multiple collaboration and storage tools, end users may feel confused by their choices. Move beyond Box deployment to a clear vision and plan for what Box will help your organization accomplish. BrainStorm can help scale that change to targeted groups that need it most.

Envision change with Box software

  • Communicate - You might know your ultimate goals for Box. But do your users? Send automated communications to targeted user groups, promoting learning content that matches their skill level and job role. We'll help you promote relevant content to the right person, every time.
  • Teach - Thanks to the BrainStorm platform, end users can access multi-modal content like Box walkthroughs, quick videos and courses, user polls, and more. You can also customize the learning experience with content from your organization.
  • Track - BrainStorm understands what makes people change their behavior and work smarter with their technology. Even better, BrainStorm helps you track usage and change, with data reporting, user sentiment insights, and other key metrics that shed light on how Box file sharing is happening--so you don't have to guess.

The future of Google Workspace depends on your users

Empower team members with the information that will drive deeper usage of all their tools.

More than Google docs and sheets

  • Communicate - Don’t assume users automatically understand how to maximize their technology use. Instead, promote tips that are relevant and target groups effectively so nobody feels their time is wasted.
  • Immerse - Show users how to use Google Workspace by pointing them to engaging videos, walkthroughs, and assessments—all curated into short (usually 15-minute) courses in the BrainStorm platform. You can also customize what’s included or add your content.
  • Measure - With more than 25 years of software adoption expertise, BrainStorm knows what it takes for users to change their behavior. We'll help you empower your efforts via helpful data and user sentiment insights—so you never have to guess if Workspace users are efficient and successful.

Results-driven M365 training

Significantly increase the adoption of Microsoft 365 to meet overall business objectives.A suite of products for lasting change

A suite of products for lasting change

  • Raise ROI by increasing Microsoft 365 adoption - Without adoption, your software investments are ineffective at best and dangerous at worst. BrainStorm’s software adoption platform can help you achieve the vision you have for your technology.
  • Create excitement around your software vision - You can’t have a digital transformation with low Microsoft adoption rates. Use a personalized, SaaS adoption strategy to get your users to embrace your vision.
  • Measure the impact of your tech investment - You want to ensure you’re making the most of your investment. BrainStorm platform Microsoft 365 training not only increases adoption but also provides you with metrics on the impact of every user’s learning.

Slack software adoption for all users

84% of users are unmotivated to change. Here’s how to get them excited about adopting Slack.

Change the learning experience

  • Communicate - Don’t assume people intuitively know how to use their new Slack technology. Instead, automate your communications around changes you want users to make, scale content to the right person at the right time, and match users' skills and roles to relevant learning content.
  • Teach - The BrainStorm platform serves up content around Slack collaboration, communication, drafts, meetings, task management, and a lot more. Assign brief videos, high-energy courses, user polls, assessments, and walkthroughs. Or, add your custom content.
  • Report - With the BrainStorm platform, you can track and report usage data to your stakeholders—or offer user sentiment insights and other key metrics that shed light on your Slack strategy. No guesswork, just relevant admin data.

Smartsheet training for humans

Don’t just roll out another productivity app. Get your team pumped about using it every day.

Why the Smartsheet app

  • Target - Don’t assume your users intuitively know how to optimize their technology experience. If collaboration isn’t a walk in the park, promote a relevant Smartsheet tutorial that will help every kind of user on the team. Target user groups effectively so nobody feels their time is wasted. 
  • Show - Create tailored experiences that introduce users to what Smartsheet is used for—by role and skill level. The BrainStorm platform features short videos, walkthroughs, and assessments that are curated into short (~15 minute) courses. Customize what users will experience, or you can also add your own team-specific content.
  • Transform - It's one thing to roll out a new productivity tool, but it's another to get people to change their behavior and be smart about their technology. With the BrainStorm platform, you can empower lasting change via data and user sentiment insights. With key metrics, you won't have to guess if users know how to use Smartsheet, and if they're actually using it effectively.