CBTS Patch Management as a Service

Identify, test & install software patches

Keep your systems secure, compliant, and up to date

Patch management is critical to system administration as it helps keep software up-to-date, secure, and reliable. It often involves automating the patching workflow with management software, vulnerability scanners, and monitors. The process involves a system-wide approach to understanding potential vulnerabilities and risks. As a vital component of a vulnerability management program, CBTS Patch Management as a Service aims to identify controls and processes that ensure an environment secure against known vulnerabilities in operating systems and application software.

Top Features

  • Security

    Often times, patches are released to fix vulnerabilities that have been found on hardware OS and applications, creating known vulnerabilities. By quickly implementing the patch for known vulnerabilities reduces the risk of cybercriminals finding the exploit.

  • Feature improvements

    Patch updates often include feature updates that improve the function and user interface. This is why you pay a monthly fee for software maintenance.

  • Compliance

    Regulatory bodies often require organizations to maintain a patch management program to maintain compliance standards based on industry standards.

  • System uptime

    Ensure your OS and applications are kept up-to-date and running on the latest version to decrease the risk of downtime.


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