CBTS Patch Management as a Service

Identify, test & install software patches

Patch smarter, not harder

Patch Management as a Service removes the chore and responsibility from your team and provides the value of time for them to focus on activities that result in business growth.

CBTS security experts with work your team to:

  • Map current topology
  • Establish a baseline of vulnerabilities
  • Apply all outstanding patches
  • Determine the cadence of applying patches
  • Review ongoing critical patch escalation process
  • Provide an in-depth quarterly review
  • Maintain continuous ongoing assessment and monitoring
  • Provide audit and compliance analytics

Six essential steps of effective patch management

A programmatic patch management approach includes:

  • Inventory applications and assets - The first step in creating greater visibility (and ultimately control) in patching is to create a comprehensive inventory of all the applications, assets, operating systems, and firmware used across the organization. This list serves as a map of your company’s current patching state. Automation tools deployed by knowledgeable, managed service providers like CBTS can significantly reduce the effort that this inventory requires.
  • Prioritize systems by risk level - Once you have a clear picture of your digital landscape, the next step is to prioritize which apps and devices to patch based on the level of risk.
  • Generate a patch management policy - The best way to test patches is to create a test environment that clones the production environment as closely as possible—mimicking OS, relevant applications, network configurations, etc. Ideally, you will want to monitor the test environment for at least 24 hours to ensure no unforeseen interactions.
  • Backup your data before deployment - Even with extensive testing, some risks remain when applying new patches. A critical step is to create a full backup of all the affected systems before the tested patch rolls out in the environment. The backup ensures that IT has a “plan b” to fall back on should a negative interaction slip through the cracks of the testing phase.
  • Install patches - Finally, it’s time to deploy the latest patch. By implementing a phased rollout, patch managers further mitigate risk. For example, non-critical systems are patched first and monitored for a set time before expanding to a general launch.
  • Monitor and document deployed patches - Careful monitoring of patches after the installation ensures system stability and is critical in identifying potential bugs. Documenting and updating the patch version and where it was applied is also important. A change log can help your team track down where an issue stems from, especially when managing multiple patches at once.