International Bancard

Discover solutions for every business need

Digital Marketing Services

International Bancard offers digital marketing services to our clients. We know you’re busy running a business and taking care of your customers. You focus on your customers and we’ll focus on your boosting your online presence.

Digital marketing by the numbers

  • As a small business owner, you know how important the numbers are. Your sales revenue is tied directly to how many clients find your business and spend their money with you. It doesn’t matter if you’re a retailer on Main Street, own a service-related business, runs a busy restaurant, or provide professional services. The more customers you have, the better your bottom line is.

Outsourcing your online presence

  • As a business owner, you weigh the benefits versus the costs of outsourcing your business operations. The decision to use a digital marketing service is relatively easy. Our comprehensive program works to synchronize and manage your entire online presence.

3 digital marketing tips

  • More than ever, customers today are browsing online and that means their first impression of your business will be your website and online reviews. Here are 3 quick tips to ensure your potential clients and customers will have a good online search experience.

Payroll Services

International Bancard offers payroll services to our clients. We know you’re busy running a business and taking care of your customers. Let’s us take care of payroll for you.

The real costs of your payroll process

  • Businesses owners often ask the question,” When does it make sense to outsource payroll?” Businesses with less than 100 employees nearly always benefit from payroll services, but what about companies with less than 50 employees? Less than 20? Surprisingly, the advantages are really significant.

Should I outsource payroll?

  • It’s tough enough to focus on what makes your business special when you’re being pulled in ten different directions. There are some tasks you should definitely outsource and payroll services is at the top of the list. Properly processing payroll is complex and requires a specialized understanding of tax laws, compliance issues, and ever-changing regulations.

3 common payroll mistakes

  • Wouldn’t it just be easier to take care of payroll yourself? If you’re processing payroll for more than anyone other than yourself, the answer is probably “No!” Processing payroll is complicated and it’s important you do it correctly. Mistakes can impact employees and your bank account. Here are three common payroll mistakes.

Business Funding

International Bancard offers business funding to our clients. We know you’re busy running a business and taking care of your customers. Let us help fund your business.

Investing in your business: Raising capital

  • Small and medium sized business owners often consider expansion. Expanson could look like opening more locations, expanding into new marketplaces, or updating existing equipment. Expansion usually requires money. We have you covered.

Do I need business funding?

  • Do small and medium businesses need capital for growth? In our experience, we’ve seen businesses not only need more capital during their growth phase to sustain and continue growing, but a well-thought-out plan of action for when the money comes in. That’s where we can help.

Payment Solutions

That’s our promise to you. You’ll have access to every payment method you need to run your business effectively, efficiently, and profitably. Whether you operate a bustling retail business, a busy restaurant, a thriving online enterprise, work with clients in your office, or provide services on the go, International Bancard has the right solution for you With International Bancard as your processing partner, you’ll be able to accept credit and debit card payments safely and securely. Every payment acceptance method we offer meets the highest PCI-DSS security standards and EMV protocols.

In-store payments

  • Whether you need a simple countertop terminal or a point of sales (POS) system, International Bancard has you covered. Our in-store solutions accept EMV chip cards, swiped transactions, contactless payments like Google Wallet and Apple Pay, and meet the highest PCI_DSS security standards.

Online payments

  • International Bancard supports multiple online payment options, including our own fully integrated gateway. Your clients just click to pay from your website, shopping cart or hosted payment pages.

Mobile payments

  • Business happens everywhere and anywhere. International Bancard has you covered with innovative, convenient, and secure mobile processing solutions. Accept EMV chip cards, swiped transactions, contactless payments, and mobile wallets like Google Wallet and Apple Pay.

Contactless payments

  • With International Bancard, you can accept contactless payments with virtually every processing equipment option we offer. Contactless, touch-free payment methods are safe, secure, and growing in popularity across North America.