
Technology consulting & managed services

Modern Applications

Our Modern Applications team helps build the next generation of software applications and accelerate your speed of delivery. Lunavi helps guide your application and development strategy, creates new innovative software solutions, and enables your teams through Agile technology delivery.

Software Development

  • Agile software development helps you achieve faster time-to-value with market-leading web, mobile, backend, or frontend applications.

Application Integration

  • Ensure all applications and platforms throughout your organization work on-prem, in the cloud, or in a hybrid environment

Application Hosting

  • Your apps need a hosting platform with the ability to scale, ship quickly, provide high-availability, and react to changing priorities.

Application Modernization

  • Refactor and rearchitect your applications to take advantage of new technologies and best practices.

Automated Testing

  • Efficient and thorough testing guarantees quality and best practices for the code you build, ship, and deploy.

Cloud Services

With a wide range of cloud consulting and management services, Lunavi is your partner to architect, migrate, optimize, and manage Microsoft Azure and hosted VMware cloud environments at any scale.

Microsoft Azure Cloud

  • Our staff MVPs have years of experience building, maintaining, and automating within Azure.

Cloud Migration

  • Migrate your systems and data between cloud platforms and your premises while minimizing risk.

Cloud Assessment

  • Every cloud service from Lunavi begins with a complimentary cloud assessment to set benchmarks and plan ahead.

Cloud Automation

  • Automate routine cloud tasks like security policy, VM configuration, and more.

Private Cloud

  • Lunavi hosts custom VMware private clouds to meet specific requirements around security and control.

Hybrid Cloud

  • A hybrid cloud bridges the gap between on-prem infrastructure and scalable cloud resources.

Agile & DevOps

Lunavi teaches you how to build high-performing agile teams to help you achieve digital business transformation and rapid delivery of high-quality software and IT solutions to meet changing business priorities. Create and enable high performing technology delivery teams with a focus on building the right product, with quality and faster speed of delivery to your customers.

DevOps Enablement

  • In-depth coaching, strategy, and training result in new strategies, roles, and processes that help your organization effectively implement DevOps practices for software and service delivery.

Delivery Team as a Service

  • Supplement your team with all the capabilities you need to go from idea to production. Lunavi provides a self-managed Agile team personalized to fit your needs and deliver business value.

Software Delivery

  • Lunavi can guide your product or service to production with the right combination of portfolio management, system architecture, development, testing, and operations.

Agile Software Development

  • If you prefer to leave the Agile processes to others, Lunavi provides product development and creates innovative software solutions that help you achieve competitive advantages.

Managed Services

Choose the managed IT solutions that are right for your organization. Business information technology solutions take pressure off your staff and help get more out of your IT investments. Lunavi provides ongoing managed services for the platforms, operating systems, and software services you use every day. Focus on innovation or business operations by outsourcing routine systems management to our experts.


  • Cloud, colocated, or even tape backups are all an option to keep your data protected.

IT Operations Management

  • Routine processes like patching, monitoring, and provisioning can all be included under ITOM.

Managed Cloud

  • Comprehensive cloud management services to set up and maintain your environment.

Disaster Recovery

  • Recover your critical infrastructure and applications rapidly in the case of downtime or disaster.

Information Security

  • Maintain security posture and compliance across your digital services and infrastructure.

Managed Firewall

  • Lunavi provides fully managed services for physical or virtual firewalls.

Data Center Services

Lunavi has deep roots as a data center service provider. We can illuminate the right solution for your physical or virtual data centers, from colocation at our nationwide facilities to modernization, migration, and hybrid cloud connections.

Colocation Services

  • State of the art data centers with concurrent maintainability, diverse network providers, and 100% SLAs.

Data Center Locations

  • Explore facility specifications and locations to choose the right data center facility for your deployment.

Data Center Automation

  • Lunavi can guide your path towards automating routine data center processes.

Network & Interconnection Information

  • The Seattle Internet Exchange and other sites offer access to vital content and service providers.

Data Center Modernization

  • Bring your data center into the 21st century by modernizing hardware, software, and processes.