T-Mobile SIP Trunking
Global SIP Trunking
Take advantage of features such as:
T-Mobile Global SIP Trunking is a converged IP service that maximizes network capacity, minimizes trunks needed, and can save you money.
- Advanced management and reporting tools and near real-time traffic detail
- Origin-less international termination pricing
- 99.999 percent availability
- Geo-redundant data centers with high-availability network elements
- Burstable SIP trunking on demand up to 200%
- Aggregation of trunks
- Call encryption
- Multiple access options: MPLS, Internet, SD-WAN, and BYOD
Our goal is to ensure a seamless experience with no disruptions to your service.
- One account team and care organization
- A complete analysis of your network
- Our expertise and support with your toll-free routing
- A team approach to developing the optimal design for your solution
- Comprehensive testing and implementation plan to ensure issues are identified and handled quickly and effectively
- A dedicated implementation project manager overseeing the entire migration process
Get network performance reports and insights with Compass, our industry-leading tool.
- Trouble Ticket Management to open tickets for specific locations or phone numbers
- An inventory tab that provides details by location address (H6), product, or status
- Reports on inbound and outbound calls, concurrent calls, call termination status codes, and errors reported over time
- Consolidated, near real-time details about your network
- An easy way to view and manage all your network solutions, voice services, usage, and costs in one place