Adobe Illustrator

Industry-leading vector graphics software


Create precise lines and shapes that you can combine to make gorgeous graphics.

  • Turn prompts into editable graphics - Generate customizable, scalable vector graphics with a simple description and Text to Vector Graphics. Make icons, patterns, and more for brand assets, social graphics, and beyond.
  • Create freeform sketches - Draw naturally with a mouse or stylus with the Pencil tool to create fast sketches and get a hand-drawn look.
  • Draw expressive lines - Create easy-to-edit, stylish lines with the Paintbrush tool. Add texture and create your own brushes for a custom look.
  • Build complex shapes - Combine common shapes to make complex ones with the Shape Builder tool. Make bold, geometric designs for icons and more.
  • Create curves easily - Draw intuitive curved lines and shapes using the Curvature tool. Make C-shaped and S-shaped curves, and even draw straight lines to make a complete shape.
  • Design illustrations with precision - Use the Pen tool to make straight and curved lines you can edit with anchor points. Combine it with the Curvature and Pencil tool to draw anything you can imagine.


Select, move, rotate, scale, and transform your artwork.

  • Organize your canvas - Make multiple artboards of any size for all your design elements with the Artboard tool.
  • Select objects by freehand - Quickly select several objects at once by drawing around them with the Lasso tool, then move and edit them as a group.
  • Select and edit similar elements - Use the Magic Wand tool to select objects with similar features in one click and then adjust their color and more at the same time.
  • Select one element of a design - Use the Group Selection tool to isolate one object in a unified design and edit it without affecting the others.
  • Make precise line and shape edits - Use the Direct Selection tool to choose a single point or path segment and then move or adjust it.
  • Select an object - Click on an object with the Selection tool to drag it to a new position or resize it.


Add and edit text in your designs.

  • Add text to any design - Use the Type tool to add letters, words, or even paragraphs to your designs. Create posters, logos, and more with fonts that fit your style.
  • Type in a vertical line - Add text in a streamlined column to your designs with the Vertical Type tool.
  • Bend text to along line or shape - Seamlessly blend words and illustrations with the Type on a Path tool. Use it to curve your text around any shape or line.


Focus on one area of your artwork or view the entire canvas.

  • Pan over a design - Move your canvas and artboards in any direction with the Hand tool to quickly access any part of your project.
  • Rotate a canvas - Change the orientation of your canvas with the Rotate Tool so you can easily view and edit parts of a design at the most convenient angle.
  • Zoom in and out - Quickly magnify and reduce the view of your work with the Zoom tool to see the full picture or examine a small detail.


Add dimension and color to create designs that leap off the screen.

  • Create a gradual color blend - Use the Gradient tool to fill objects with subtle transitions between colors. Make linear, radial, and flowy freeform gradients.
  • Add depth to designs - Mimic the reflection of light on objects with the Mesh tool to create designs with lifelike qualities.
  • Make 3D artwork - Add realistic effects, lighting, and textures that turn 2D art into 3D designs using the options and presets in the 3D and Materials panel.


Make small or dramatic changes to a line or a shape.

  • Select a color and use it elsewhere - Use the Eyedropper tool to pick a color from one part of your design and apply it somewhere new.
  • View design elements at new angles - Turn an object around a fixed point with the Rotate tool to get the perfect placement.
  • Make a mirror reflection - Flip a design element over an axis with the Reflect tool and use it to create symmetrical designs.
  • Create designs of any size - From small-scale stickers to giant billboards, resize your designs as big or small as you want with the Scale tool— no quality lost.
  • Cut up shapes to make something new - Split a line or shape at an anchor point with the Scissors tool to create multiple objects or to trim away parts you don’t want.
  • Combine shapes and colors - Morph the shapes and colors of two or more objects with the Blend tool to make dimensional creations with graduated hues.