Move your digital assests to the cloud

AppDirect Migrations include the following:


  • Email migration to the cloud allows an organization to shift its email system from local servers or another provider to a cloud-based email service. This migration streamlines access to emails, contacts, and calendars through web interfaces and apps, enabling remote access and collaboration. The process requires exporting data from the source system, configuring cloud email accounts, migrating data, updating DNS records, and testing functionality. Successful email migration ensures enhanced scalability, cost-efficiency, and improved disaster recovery while necessitating careful planning to mitigate potential challenges and ensure a seamless transition.


  • Contact migration to the cloud helps transfer contact information from various sources, such as on-premises systems or other platforms, to a cloud-based contact management service. This migration streamlines access to crucial contact details, enhancing collaboration and communication within organizations. By exporting, transforming, and importing contact data, businesses ensure that their teams can easily manage and update contact information from any device with internet access. Cloud-based contact management services, like those offered by Microsoft 365 and Google Workspace, enable efficient sharing, syncing, and accessibility of contacts, fostering smoother interactions and more streamlined workflows.


  • Calendar migration to the cloud involves shifting an organization's scheduling data from traditional systems to a cloud-based calendar service. This migration empowers users to access, manage, and update their calendars seamlessly from any connected device. The process typically encompasses exporting current calendar information, adapting it to the cloud service's format, and importing it into the chosen platform. This transition ensures that events, appointments, and schedules remain intact, promoting efficient collaboration and scheduling flexibility in a cloud-enabled environment.


  • Document migration to the cloud enables an organization to transfer its digital documents from local storage systems or other platforms to cloud-based document management systems. Cloud storage solutions like Google Drive, Microsoft OneDrive, and Dropbox offer the ability to store, access, and collaborate on documents from anywhere. During migration, documents are uploaded to the cloud, preserving their content, structure, and access permissions. This transition enhances accessibility, collaboration, and data security while reducing reliance on physical storage and enabling seamless remote work.