Enhanced detection and response

CBTS XDR, powered by Cortex Extended Detection and Response (XDR), offers comprehensive endpoint protection by integrating data from any source to defend against advanced cyberattacks. It enhances the efficiency of Security Operations Center (SOC) teams by improving the signal-to-noise ratio and prioritizing urgent threats with incident scores and intelligent alert groupings. It breaks down data silos to speed up incident investigations, accelerating response and recovery times. Leveraging AI and machine learning (ML), it equips security teams with advanced tools to detect even the most subtle cyberattacks and emerging threats. It ensures complete visibility and robust protection, empowering you to safeguard your future effectively.

Top Features

  • Enhanced visibility

    XDR enables a centralized view of endpoint, cloud, identity, and network data to streamline investigation and speed remediation.

  • Integration

    Fully integrates with SIEM/SOAR security tools and ITSM.

  • Agile response

    Sweep the entire environment to block rapidly spreading attacks, isolate infected endpoints, and halt attacks

  • Contextual learning and AI

    Context-based machine learning gathers clues over time to aid SecOps in tracking threat actor techniques.

  • Security for cloud and remote work environments

    XDR can manage and easily scale various environments, encompassing both cloud-based systems and remote devices.

  • Deep forensics

    Ability to carry out thorough internal regulatory inquiries, even when the endpoints are not linked to the network.

  • Triage

    Assess and prioritize risk with machine learning, analytics, and cloud deployment. Rapidly sort between false and true positives.

  • Security automation

    Speed and enhance incident response with automated root cause analysis, detection, and response actions.

  • De-silo security solutions

    Remove siloed security tools from the enterprise security fabric to streamline customer networks.


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