Zscaler Data Protection

Prevent data exposure with Zero Trust

Powerful AI-driven data visibility

Great data protection starts with complete visibility. Zscaler’s unified platform gives you complete understanding of where all your sensitive data is located and its risky exposure.

Full protection across all channels

  • Reduce point products while delivering high-performance inspection. Zscaler’s cloud-delivered DLP and browser isolation follow and secure all sensitive data across the web, email, workloads, private apps, and BYOD endpoints.

Security for data in clouds and devices

  • Deliver comprehensive protection for data at rest in clouds and on endpoints while ensuring your cloud platforms maintain a robust posture against breaches and adversaries.

GenAI app security

Deliver safe generative AI app use without data loss while getting in-depth visibility down to input prompt level.

Automatic data discovery

  • Streamline deployment and operations using ML to automatically discover all sensitive data leaving your environment.

Advanced data classification

  • Protect customized data with Exact Data Match (EDM), Indexed Document Match (IDM), and Optical Character Recognition (OCR).

UEBA and risk profiling

  • Dynamically respond to changes in user, device, or threat behaviors to quickly address data risks.

Microsoft MIP integrations

  • Find and tag untagged data at rest, and block tagged data in motion, with powerful Zscaler integrations.

Workflow automation

  • Enable streamlined data loss investigations across admins, managers, and users with automated workflows.