Modern organizations require modern solutions

Empower your people with fast, secure, and reliable access to the internet, SaaS, and private apps with the industry’s most comprehensive security service edge (SSE) platform. Zscaler for Users equips a distributed workforce to be productive and secure from anywhere, replacing legacy networking and security technology with a cloud-native zero-trust platform that connects users to applications, applies advanced cyberthreat and data protection policies, and optimizes end-to-end digital experience.

Top Features

  • Secure Internet & SaaS Access

    Provide users with fast, secure, and reliable internet and SaaS access while protecting against advanced threats and data loss.

  • Secure Private App Access

    Connect users seamlessly and securely to private apps, services, and OT devices with the industry’s only next-gen zero trust network access (ZTNA) platform.

  • Digital User Experience

    Monitor digital experiences from the end user’s perspective to optimize performance and rapidly fix application, network, and device issues.


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