It all begins with domain specific data

Our systems intelligently gather a variety of high quality unstructured data streams across hundreds of sources, in the form of text, voice, images and videos. These are specific to industry domain such as CPG, Healthcare, Insurance etc.

GenAI training & tuning

  • Our systems clean this data and trains our models for a specific industry. We maintain over 56,000 industry models.

Enhance with your data

  • Use our enterprise-grade integrations to ingest your private data securely. These enhanced models and data stay within your enterprise boundaries.

Drive automations

  • Our platform delivers powerful AI-driven automations where you need it - dashboard, APIs and integrations - and turn insights into action, across PIMs, CRMs, voice assistants, chatbots, and more.


  • Our technology continuously trains your custom trained AI model using Deep Product Learning® technology.

Deep product learning

  • At the heart of Commerce.AI is Deep Product Learning ® that uses the latest AI techniques to ingest, aggregate and synthesize unstructured data and turn it into intelligent business signals specifically designed to turbocharge automations. These processes automatically build and tune Generative AI models for all products and services in the world, handing you a multidimensional, holistic view of your brand, products, services, stores and markets. It builds predictions and smart actions for you to act, engage, and grow.