Verizon Virtual Contact Center

Deliver world-class customer experiences

Network on demand

Choose our Internet Dedicated Services access or Private IP for capacity needed today and the capability to scale as needs change.

Platform-on-demand scalability

  • Deploy agents anytime, anywhere as business demand changes.

Flexible pay model

  • VCC provides customers with flexible billing options with unique agent and concurrent agent pay-as-you-go models.

Data protection

  • End-to-end encryption and user roles help protect personal and agency data at rest and in flight. It’s General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), HIPAA and payment card industry (PCI) ready.


  • Rigorous testing by cloud security experts and geographic redundant architecture help improve fault tolerance and uptime.

Omnichannel routing

  • Seamlessly connect interactions across any channel, including phone, email, chat or SMS.

Workforce engagement

  • Workforce management tools help you forecast agent availability, schedule shifts, track metrics and optimize resource use.

Outbound campaigns

  • Enable full-featured campaign-based outbound dialing with automated outbound-to-inbound blending.


  • Leverage analytics to make omnichannel interaction data relevant, easy to consume and actionable, improving decision-making at all levels for better contact center productivity.

Seamless integration

  • Our application programming interfaces (APIs) can help it integrate with existing customer support systems, HR systems and contact center infrastructures.

Increased visibility

  • Facilitate agile resource planning and decision-making with performance insights and interactive reporting.

FedRAMP authorized

  • The platform for our VCC for Government offering meets Federal Risk and Authorization Management Program (FedRAMP) security requirements for cloud-based providers.