PhySaaS Verkada Wireless Locks

Improve door security, go keyless

Deploy access control at a greater scale

Wireless locks integrations allow organizations to connect their Verkada access control system directly to a door lock, simplifying installation, and ongoing management while reducing costs.

Meet diverse installation requirements

  • The locking hardware supported by Verkada’s wireless lock integrations includes many models, styles and designs, providing the flexibility to meet various installation requirements and applications.

Easily manage everything from Command

  • Third-party locks are easy to manage via Verkada Command, giving organizations the flexibility and security of a cloud-based platform. Wireless locks are another access control device type within Command, meaning door events, alerts, schedules, access methods and user permissions are simple to manage and update in real-time.

Schlage engage series

  • Schlage Engage series wireless locks are single-component cylindrical locks that support proximity and NFC credentials.
    Engage series wireless locks combine the lock, credential reader, door position sensor, and request-to-exit switch in one unit, eliminating the need to install additional components or run wires to each opening.