Microsoft NCE Project Online for Education

Project management software

Manage anywhere

Manage anywhere with tools to keep you connected with your team and on top of your projects while you're on the go.

Stay organized

  • Easily plan & manage your projects with intuitive controls and flexible team tools to help your organization deliver the intended business value.

Be efficient and prioritize

  • Be efficient and prioritize by aggregating everyday work, project tasks, important details, and multiple timelines in a visually rich and contextual interface.

Deliver effective presentations

  • Offer immediate insight into task planning, resource allocation, cost efficiencies, and the many important details of your projects.

Anticipate change

  • Anticipate Change with forward-looking views into the everyday work going into your projects and the resources needed to get that work done.

Communicate in real time

  • Communicate in real time with team members down the hall or across the globe with tools designed to transmit your critical conversations quickly and securely.

Simplify IT

  • Get Office 365 benefits with the familiar Project Professional application and interface.