Datadog Database Monitoring

Optimize application performance

Monitor your databases with query metrics

- Identify problematic queries with valuable metrics such as average latency, total execution time, and number of rows queried.
- Leverage historical query performance data to track long-term trends.
- Get granular insight into query activity with automatically sampled queries.

Analyze explain plans to optimize query performance

- Dive into explaining plans to identify inefficient query patterns that hinder performance.
- Visualize differences between multiple explain plans for individual queries to identify hotspots.
- Seamlessly pivot from explaining plans to related metrics to understand how inefficiencies impact performance.

Correlate query metrics with database and infrastructure metrics

- View query metrics alongside system performance metrics from your Postgres, MySQL, SQL Server, and Oracle databases.
- Monitor query-level and host-level metrics together to better understand how resource constraints affect database performance.
- Leverage out-of-the-box integration with the rest of the Datadog platform, including dashboards, monitors, SLO tracking, and advanced formulas and functions.

Extract valuable insights without compromising database security

- Expand your team’s access to query metrics without providing explicit database access to every user.
- Keep sensitive data secure with automatic obfuscation of PII in explaining plans and query metrics.
- Scale DBM usage with your needs and manage a large number of databases securely.