Cyber Defense Group

Cybersecurity consulting services

Security Assessments

One of the greatest risks facing enterprises today is not knowing what you don’t know. You can’t afford to wait for a cybersecurity breach to identify where your weaknesses are — the financial losses and reputational damage could be catastrophic to your business. CDG’s discovery services help you take a proactive approach to your security.

Penetration testing

  • Our penetration testing (pen test) is a simulated cyberattack against your information technology (IT) infrastructure that allows you to gather insights to fine-tune your web application firewall (WAF) security protocols and uncover hidden vulnerabilities before threat actors do.

Security assessments

  • Our broader security assessments are the initial step and most fundamental aspect of a security program. A quality security risk assessment will launch an extensive and comprehensive evaluation of your entire network. This includes investigating wherever you hold data, such as on-premises, cloud, software as a service (SaaS), and other platforms.

What you’ll get:

  • Measurable remediation solutions
  • Maturity analyzed against security and industry-specific frameworks
  • A roadmap aligned with actual business, industry, and regulatory needs


Protect your most sensitive data with our managed cybersecurity services. We provide essential tools and processes to ensure security against cyberattacks. Harness the expertise and resources of our dedicated professionals from diverse industries, at a cost lower than hiring a full-time employee.

The benefits of a cybersecurity as a service

  • Demonstrable security that conveys strength to customers and a competitive advantage
  • Real-time visibility into your security posture
  • Actionable insights to help you address threats and risk to data
  • A rationalized suite of tools optimally configured to your business needs
  • Integrated security protocols across internal teams
  • Operational security implementation and guidance
  • Agile, cloud-focused security posture management

How cybersecurity as a service works

  • We work closely with you to understand your goals and priorities, then complete a comprehensive security assessment. Our findings are compared against regulatory and security frameworks to identify potential vulnerabilities and areas for improvement. From there, we design a customized security program that aligns with your needs — and rather than racking up billable hours, we outline a fixed-cost program to get you where you need to be.
  • This is not your typical consulting engagement. We train and work closely with your internal teams to ensure your growing business is equipped with the highest cybersecurity posture to safeguard your operations and assets against potential cyberthreats. Because our approach is highly customized and grounded in transparency, when you work with us, you know exactly what you will end up with—and at what price.
  • Cybersecurity as a service is broken down into three tiers – Advisory, Integrated, and Augmented. In all these tiers, Cyber Defense Group aims to provide strategic and tactical solutions, reduced cyber risk by increasing security control maturity, compliance with all regulatory requirements, address ongoing questions and issues around cybersecurity, and visibility to the board, C-suite, and other stakeholders around the risks, threats, and security maturity of the organization.

CDG's Cybersecurity as a Service® offering may include:

  • Virtual Chief Information Security Officer (vCISO) team
  • Compliance readiness
  • AppSec/SDLC security
  • Program governance
  • Malware protection
  • Security training
  • DevSecOps
  • Incident response
  • Risk management
  • Asset management
  • Disaster recovery/business continuity
  • Logging and monitoring
  • Privacy & data controls
  • System hardening & segmentation
  • Vulnerability management
  • Identity and Access Management (IAM)
  • Security testing
  • Third-party security
  • Forensic investigations

Virtual Chief Information Security Officer (vCISO) Services

  • A vCISO is an outsourced security professional or team that executes the role of a Chief Information Security Officer. vCISOs are largely responsible for developing and managing an organization’s security program. This role often works hand-in-hand with a company’s already existing security team to carry out necessary functions and duties to ensure the integrity of an organization’s information security program their digital environment.
  • vCISO services are more than just a temporary solution or fill-in. From small businesses to enterprise-level companies, more organizations are ditching the CISO position altogether and opting to operate with a virtual CISO instead. As a growing preference for companies across all industries and sizes, vCISOs are demonstrating an alternative way to handle modern and potential security risks.

Incident Response

Our emergency incident response team will take the reins and safely guide you through an incident process to ensure everything is handled efficiently and effectively. Eliminate the threats and get back to business.

The importance of having a cyber incident response plan

  • Incident response is a serious matter and a topic that involves both C-suite executives and entry-level employees. Preventing a breach takes a team effort from an entire organization. Responding to an attack also requires the cooperation of all employees. Roles and responsibilities must already be in place in order to best repair the affected systems.
  • In the case of a successful security breach, a business with a formalized incident response plan will be able to limit data loss and network damage better and address the cause of the incident quickly.
  • At CDG, we offer both emergency incident response and proactive retainers. In the event of a security incident, timely deployment of an experienced incident response team is essential to minimize harm, eradicate the threat, and restore system integrity.
  • Emergency Incident Response:
    • Immediate rollout of an incident response team of security professionals into your digital environment
    • Quick identification and containment of the cyberthreat
    • Eradication of breaching actor/vector
    • Analysis and report of the data breach
    • Address security weaknesses and causation of attach
  • Proactive Incident Response Retainer:
    • Create custom security incident response plan templates for your business
    • Develop incident response runbooks that match your personnel and software
    • Constant monitoring of networks for cybersecurity threats and system vulnerabilities
    • Incident response plan testing and system assessments
    • Comprehensive response training for your business

Incident response steps

  • Preparation: In this beginning phase, the responsibilities and roles of team members are clearly defined and cemented. Drills and scenarios are planned out for response testing. Employee training is prioritized, and all response plan components (tools, hardware, etc.) must be properly funded.
  • Identification: This piece of an incident response plan is concerned with determining the root cause of the breach. Questions that need to be answered include where the point of entry was and what data or information has been compromised.
  • Containment: The containment phase is tasked with knowing how to isolate the vector that caused the breach and limiting harm from other network or system areas.
  • Eradication: Once the issue has been controlled, security professionals must eliminate the infecting malware or virus from the environment. Then, the systems should be patched and updated to prevent future breaches.
  • Recovery: This phase looks to restore business operations and get workflows back on track. Here is when any possible data restoration will be attempted.
  • Lessons Learned: The last phase of an incident response plan culminates in a detailed analysis of the breach. This reporting looks to break down how the attack occurred, what vulnerabilities made it possible, how to prevent future occurrences, etc.