Point-to-Point Connectivity

Forget expensive redundant waves, and connect global colocation facilities in minutes from 1Gbps to 100Gbps with turnkey EPL services.

Digital Business Requires a New Approach

  • The pace of change in digital business is relentless. Cloud-based IT arose to meet the need for agility. Traditional telco offerings haven’t kept up, weighing network teams down with slow, laborious provisioning and inflexible contract terms. No more 60-90 day waits to turn up a private line. Get on-demand EPL services at 1Gbps to 100Gbps between any two points in our 65+ Tbps network, fast.

Carrier-Grade Network

  • PacketFabric services are delivered by a global, carrier-grade Network-as-a-Service platform that overlays a highly resilient 50+Tbps private optical network with end-to-end automation. You get agility, performance, scale, security, programmability, five-nines reliability, and native visibility without compromise.

Hybrid Cloud Connectivity

Easily create hybrid clouds between colocation sites and public cloud, IX, and SaaS providers with hosted or dedicated metro or long-haul connections at speeds up to 100Gbps.

Scale Your Cloud Ambitions

  • Your cloud architecture is the heart of your digital business. Internet connectivity isn’t secure, private, or performant enough to support mission-critical workflows, and can impose heavy costs for volumetric use cases. Traditional cloud interconnection options are slow and inflexible. Network teams need a better answer. PacketFabric’s hybrid cloud connectivity provides scalable, carrier-grade hosted and dedicated connections from hundreds of data centers to leading cloud and SaaS providers. Connect on-demand in minutes at 50Mbps to 100Gbps via our 65+ Tbps global network. Automate your hybrid cloud connectivity by integrating with our RESTful API, or our Terraform Provider.

Open a World of Connectivity

  • With PacketFabric, you get instant access via a portal and APIs to cloud and SaaS providers. But unlike solutions where every connection is single purpose and inflexible, with PacketFabric, you can provision flexible ports for hybrid cloud and multi-cloud connectivity. Every port on our network fabric supports up to 4,000 virtual circuits, so you can connect to multiple cloud and SaaS providers, Internet Exchange providers, as well as to other data center locations from local metro to across the globe.

Multi-Cloud Routing

Instantly turn on zero-touch, private and secure multi-cloud connectivity from 50Mbps to 100Gbps with our Cloud Router.

Free Your Data to Create More Value

  • Multi-cloud networking has become a must-have as enterprises increasingly operate in multiple clouds environments. Yet inter-region and multi-cloud architectures have been limited by legacy connectivity methods, unreliable Internet VPN tunnel performance, and unpredictable egress traffic costs.

PacketFabric Cloud Router offers the industry’s easiest and most scalable multi-cloud routing solution.

  • No hardware, on-premises network, or Ethernet ports required
  • Instant provisioning. Dynamic routing with Border Gateway Protocol (BGP) sessions
  • Speeds up to 100 Gigabits via our 65+ Tbps global network. On demand.
  • You get a seamless, scalable way to unlock the value of your multi-cloud strategy
  • PacketFabric Cloud Router is a fully distributed, edge-based network service built on our global, carrier-grade Network-as-a-Service platform powered by a highly resilient 65+ Tbps private optical network and end-to-end API-driven orchestration and automation.
  • Build a multi-cloud architecture with low latency and high throughput from 50 Mbps to 100 Gbps within and between AWS, GCP, IBM, Microsoft Azure, and Oracle Clouds.
    Instantly deploy and manage multi-cloud infrastructure with our RESTful API, or Terraform Provider.
    You get real-time provisioning, performance, scale, security, programmability, five-nines reliability, and native visibility without compromise.

Custom Networking (Build Your Own)

Create a customized network using any combination of ports, private point-to-point, dedicated or hosted cloud connections, and multi-cloud routing, at varying terms.

Choose Your Own Connectivity Journey

  • Your organization is unique, with networking requirements driven by a variety of baseline, seasonal and intermittent business needs. Meet them all with custom networking from PacketFabric. Choose the topologies, technical specifications and consumption models that fit best, without compromising performance, scalability, security, privacy, and reliability. Automate your network infrastructure by integrating with our RESTful API, or our Terraform provider.

Comprehensive, Flexible Solutions

  • The PacketFabric Network-as-a-Service platform gives you a comprehensive suite of flexible elements with which to create highly customizable topologies for private backbone, data center interconnect, hybrid and multi-cloud, IX and third party provider connectivity.
  • Ports: A Port is an Ethernet port that gives you access to the PacketFabric network, supports up to 4,000 Virtual Circuits to other locations on our fabric, and offers unlimited utilization within its local metropolitan market. Every Port comes with a free third-party Virtual Circuit to connect to cloud and other providers on the PacketFabric network. Choose from 1G, 10G, 40G, and 100G ports.
  • Data Transfer: There is no charge fo data transfer between Ports in the same metropolitan market. When you need to transport data between two markets, you can choose fixed-rate Dedicated Capacity, or Usage-based Capacity at a flat rate of $0.02 per GB.
  • Dedicated Long-haul: PacketFabric’s Dedicated Capacity service is perfect for consistent and well-known traffic patterns. This option offers fixed, predictable billing and the lowest cost per unit transferred. Get bidirectional line-rate transfer capabilities 24×7, with no limits or additional charges, regardless of the total amount of data transferred across the service.
  • Virtual Circuit Long-haul: A Virtual Circuit is a secure connection between any two points on our network. Each Virtual Circuit is completely isolated, protecting your traffic from interception, injection, and interference.
  • Usage-based Long-haul: Our Usage-based service is ideal for large numbers of locations, unpredictable or shifting traffic patterns, or to dynamically burst to larger traffic volumes on-demand without paying for dedicated capacity 24×7. Pay only for the total amount of data (TB) transferred between markets.
  • Flex Bandwidth: You can procure backbone virtual circuit capacity in 100G increments, then freely deploy that capacity across any ports and VCs you choose during your subscription term. Aggregate capacity offers the flexibility to shift and change capacity across your network while simplifying billing management.