Comprehensive, validated data

Get valuable intelligence you need to close security gaps with accurate data about your company’s Dark Web credential compromise threats. Get additional protection from unpleasant surprises with credential monitoring for your supply chain and for the personal email addresses of your executive and administrative users, reducing the risk from cybercriminals gaining access to a privileged account.

Dark Web ID delves into every corner of the Dark Web, including:

  • Hidden chat rooms
  • Unindexed sites
  • Private websites
  • P2P (peer-to-peer) networks
  • IRC (internet relay chat) channels
  • Social media platforms
  • Black market sites
  • 640,000+ botnets

Deploy in minutes

  • Dark Web ID takes just minutes to set up as SaaS or via an API and will start showing compromise results right away. You’ll have a clearer picture of your security posture as well as a valuable early warning system for potential pitfalls for your business from credential compromise, giving you – an edge in securing your systems and data.