IT Glue A Kaseya Company

Truly powerful IT documentation software

Structured Documentation

IT Glue provides a documentation framework that is utilized by thousands of MSPs, offering you the most trusted and optimal way of organizing your clients’ information to effectively service them. This framework is standardized across all clients, so your technicians have the ability to input and view information the same way, every time, for every client.

  • No matter how experienced or unfamiliar you are with various clients, IT Glue ensures you have a structure you can rely on to allow you to quickly service clients and solve tickets when needed.

Relationship Mapping

Zero degrees of separation. Link related items together, so that all the information you need is at your fingertips. Rapidly define and understand relationships between various elements of your documentation. Dramatically reduce research time and provide instant peripheral vision and awareness.

  • Empower your team towards a self-service culture, reduce “shoulder tapping” and put everything within a few clicks. Build new relationships on the fly to continuously deepen and improve the resolution of your documentation.

Secure Password Manager

Secure your world with an immutable audit trail and next-generation password management engine, which is fully integrated and linked with all of your documentation. Password folders help organize your passwords, and manage security at the folder level.

  • Top security features include granular access control, version management and detailed activity logs all within our ultra-secure, SOC 2-compliant platform. Sleep better with next-level password management featuring access control, at-risk password report, and audit trail.


We have dozens of integrations with major PSA, RMM, BDR and other platforms, making IT Glue the single source of truth for your business. We also have a tool for seamless PSA onboarding.

  • With our public API, you can build your own integrations, or leverage our community resources to take your documentation to the next level.

SOC 2 Compliance

Consider where your business’s crown jewels (your information) are stored today. As a leading cloud-based software company, we understand the importance of your information and refuse to ask you to “just trust us”. As such, IT Glue has invested significant resources, both initially and ongoing, to achieve SOC 2 compliance.

  • This comprehensive certification demonstrates adherence to Trust Service Principles across key areas, and covers all aspects of the business including engineering, support and human resources.

IP Access Control

Add an extra layer of security to your valuable data by limiting access from suspicious sources. IP Access Control allows you to limit IT Glue access to a specified list of IP addresses or a range of IP addresses. Any requests from an IP address list outside the allowed list or range will be denied. You can also add notes beside each listed IP address or range of IP addresses.

  • By restricting access from suspicious sources, you can have better control over who can access your sensitive data. This, along with other IT Glue security controls, effectively fortifies and safeguards your valuable data.

Cross-Account Migration Service

Ensure no vital data is lost when migrating IT Glue accounts and benefit from efficient data transfer while maintaining all asset relationships.

1-Click AD Password Rotation

Never let your passwords to go stale and reduce credential stealing. Easily rotate on-premises Active Directory passwords in IT Glue with just one click, and they will be automatically updated in Active Directory as well.

Offline Mode for Passwords

Securely access your most sensitive and mission-critical IT Glue assets — your stored passwords — whenever and wherever you need them. Ensure seamless and secure password access, even during unforeseen emergencies, providing peace of mind and uninterrupted business operations.