
Data encryption for email & file sharing

Gmail Encryption

Apply data-centric security to Gmail messages and attachments.

  • Take Control of Your Data - Keep your Gmail data private. Virtru equips you to secure emails and attachments in Gmail to help maintain compliance, no matter where information is shared or who has been granted access.
  • Make Email Protection Easy for Everyone - One-click, end-to-end encryption and decryption with no new accounts to create or software to download.
  • Give Recipients an Intuitive User Experience - You use Gmail because it’s simple and seamless. Your encryption solution should provide the same experience, even for recipients outside of your organization.
  • Gain More Visibility - Gain insight into patterns across your organization, make informed business decisions, and take quick action when needed.
  • Solve for Human Error - People make mistakes, because, well, they’re people. Keep data protected against human error with server-side data protection through the Virtru Data Protection Gateway.

Microsoft 365 Outlook Encryption

Protect messages and attachments in Outlook for desktop and Microsoft 365.

  • Full Control of Your Data - Protect your data to help maintain compliance no matter where it is shared or who has been granted access.
  • Email Protection That's Easy - One-click end-to-end encryption and decryption with no portal logins.
  • Intuitive Recipient Experience - Easily collaborate with everyone, both inside and outside your organization.
  • More Visibility - Gain insight and make informed business decisions.
  • Digital Safety Nets - People make mistakes. Keep data protected against human error with the Virtru Data Protection Gateway.

Google Drive Encryption and Data Control

Protect sensitive files stored and shared in Google Drive.

  • Secure Data on Upload - Protect sensitive files while uploading, keeping data secure from the moment it hits Google Drive, including Microsoft files, images, videos, PDFs, and more.
  • Encrypt PDFs - Safeguard PDFs containing sensitive information, like quarterly reports, employee offer letters, or RFPs that you store and share via Google Drive.
  • Control Access to Unstructured Data - Ensure files can only be accessed by those with a need to know, to be sure sensitive information is shared with the right people, at the right time.
  • Shield Data from Google - Shield data from all third parties, including Google. For even stronger data sovereignty, you can also use the Virtru Private Keystore for key management.

Data Protection Gateway

Automatically secure sensitive data shared via email, unprotected endpoints, and SaaS apps like Salesforce and Zendesk without disrupting workflows.

  • Minimize Error with Automated Inbound & Outbound Encryption - Protect emails and files before they leave your domain to help communications stay compliant, private, and secure. Plus, secure PII and PHI within incoming messages sent from patients, clients, and partners to maintain support for compliance requirements.
  • Data Loss Prevention That Fits Your Workflows - Avoid the pitfalls of under/over encryption with DLP options to fit your needs. Leverage Regex and DLP rule packs to identify consistent data patterns with ready-made or custom detectors.
  • Advanced, Granular Access Controls - Virtru TDF protection follows your data wherever it travels, enabling your users to maintain control over their data even after it has left your organization.
  • Archiving and Analytics - Easily archive emails for eDiscovery and compliance. Advanced analytics give administrators a clear view of data-sharing trends to make informed security decisions.
  • Decrypt Inbound Data Without User Effort - Automatically decrypt incoming emails before they enter your domain, allowing your mail system to scan for spam or malware and deliver as usual, giving users a completely seamless experience.