Secure email service with end-to-end encryption

RPost RMail is an email encryption and electronic signature service designed to enhance email security and compliance. We allow users to send encrypted emails, track email delivery, obtain proof of delivery, and electronically sign documents directly within their email client. We offer features such as certified email delivery, legal electronic signatures, encryption, and secure large file transfer. It is commonly used by businesses and professionals who require secure and legally binding communication via email.

Starting at $60.00 /Year

Top Features

  • Breadth of Services

    RMail is a secure email provider/service that empowers you; all of the functionality you need, all in one installation onto the platforms you’re already using -- email encryption, certified proof, AI-infused human e-security error prevention, in-the moment personalized e-security training, and much more.

  • Simplicity

    We understand that the power of e-security technology resides in user adoption. That is why RMail is built with AI that automatically sensitizes users to today’s e-security and e-compliance needs; subtly nudging them to make the right email-related e-security decisions. Securing your business has never been easier.

  • Legal Proof®

    Each message comes with a Registered Receipt™ email record; the global standard for court-accepted, timestamped proof of secure delivery of emails — and its attachments. This record is durable (it may be forwarded, retaining its self-authenticating integrity), and is self-contained (it does not require any other record to be stored anywhere).

  • Friendlier Service

    Excellent technology is key, outstanding service is gold. Getting both in a single package is pure bliss. Our teams are more knowledgeable and friendlier to work with. That is why our customers rate us with 99% satisfaction scores and 5-star accolades.


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