Barracuda Backup

User error, malicious deletion, natural disasters, and cyber-attacks can all threaten your business. Barracuda can securely backup and recover data including files located in physical and virtual environments including:

• Network Attached Storage
• Linux, MacOS, Microsoft Windows, SQL data, Microsoft Exchange
• Hyper-V and VMware

Backed-up data can be replicated to the offsite location of your choice, including to secure Barracuda cloud storage, or another physical location.

  • Ransomware protection—without paying the ransom Don't let criminals hold your data hostage. With Barracuda, recovering your data is as simple as eliminating the malware, deleting the attacker-encrypted files, and restoring a good copy of your valuable data.
  • Recover data fast - Recover your data and physical or virtual servers quickly from ransomware, disaster, or data loss, whether intentional or accidental.
  • Protect hybrid physical, virtual, and hybrid environments - Today's IT environments combine physical servers and virtual servers and many types of data which all need full protection.

Barracuda Cloud-to-Cloud Backup

Barracuda Cloud-to-Cloud Backup gives you the flexibility to restore Microsoft 365 Teams, Exchange, SharePoint, OneDrive, and OneNote data with highly granular detail. Full SharePoint support means you can backup and restore everything in SharePoint including different site templates, custom lists, permissions, and metadata — eliminating much of the labor and expense associated with restoring files only.  You can restore SharePoint libraries, lists, and documents to any SharePoint sites you choose. Backing up and restoring has never been easier. Barracuda Cloud-to-Cloud Backup offers complete, granular protection of your data with point-in-time retrieval, and both scheduled and on-demand backup. In addition, your data is deduplicated and compressed to maximize storage efficiency and minimize the backup window.

  • Flexible, easy to use Microsoft 365 protection - Back up your Teams, Exchange, SharePoint, and OneDrive data, and find and recover the exact data you want quickly and easily with advanced search.
  • Ransomware protection - Your final defense against ransomware and other cyber-threats is your backup, so you need a secure backup that offers role-based access control, encryption, and multiple copies of the data.
  • Cloud native - Your Microsoft 365 data is already in the cloud — saving secure, encrypted backups in the same network means better performance and instant scalability.

Barracuda Data Inspector

SharePoint and OneDrive deployments can improperly store sensitive data, such as Social Security numbers, credit card information, network credentials, and more—putting your data at risk. With Barracuda Data Inspector, you see exactly what kind of data has been found, whether it has been shared internally or externally, and where it’s located. You can remediate that data – unshare it, quarantine it, or delete it entirely. Data Inspector also identifies sensitive information in images, including photos, screenshots and document scans. You can further customize by creating your own data classifiers; identify specific information types, such as employee or student IDs, project codenames, and other proprietary information.

  • Find and remediate sensitive data - Identify and remediate data risks in seconds. Enjoy easy and intuitive data-security management with no hardware or software.
  • Support regulatory compliance - Find existing and new sensitive data to cut the risks of hefty regulatory fines. A comprehensive scan log and audit log make staying compliant a breeze.
  • Detect and remediate malware in SharePoint and OneDrive - Find and remediate malware at its source – without the risk of accidental activation.