Cybersafe Penetration Testing

Identify risks before attackers do

Penetration Tests: Manual Versus Automated

Both manual and automated penetration testing have their pros and cons. Manual testing is more thorough and customizable but is expensive, time-consuming, and subjective. Automated testing is faster, consistent, scalable, and less expensive, but lacks creative thinking and problem solving. The best approach depends on the specific needs of an organization and the complexity of the system or application being tested. A combination of both manual and automated testing can provide the best of both worlds.

Benefits of Automated Penetration Testing

  • Reduces overhead & eliminates labor reliance.
  • Faster testing at a fraction of the cost.
  • Manual techniques converted into code.
  • Run dozens of commands simultaneously, versus one at a time manually.
  • Assess an entire network with no limitations.
  • Maintain regulatory compliance requirements with reports & results.
  • Eliminates reporting delays & scheduling hassles.
  • Reports deliver effective technical & strategic remediations.
  • Less than three-week reporting turnaround time.