Microsoft NCE Defender for IoT for Education

Complete IoT and ICS/OT security

Protect IoT and OT environments with agentless monitoring

Microsoft NCE Defender for IoT for Education is a security solution designed to protect Internet of Things (IoT) devices in educational institutions. It offers advanced threat detection, automated incident response, and continuous monitoring of IoT environments. The solution integrates with Microsoft's broader security ecosystem, providing comprehensive protection against cyber threats. This helps educational institutions safeguard sensitive data, ensure compliance, and maintain a secure learning environment.

Starting at $0.85 /Month

Top Features

  • Context-aware visibility

    See everything in your environment with complete visibility into all IoT and OT assets and rich context about each device, such as communication, protocols, and behaviors.

  • Cyberthreat detection with behavioral analytics

    Accelerate your incident response with a unified view of the entire cyberattack, including those beginning on the IT network and traversing into sensitive business-critical networks and OT environments.


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