SolarWinds Pingdom

Uptime, website & performance monitoring

Real User Monitoring (RUM)

Web application performance from your user’s perspective. Continuously enhance the user experience of your websites and web applications. Be the first to know when site issues affect your visitor’s experience and get the information needed to quickly resolve issues.

Transaction monitoring

  • Test your most important transactions. Make sure important interactions, such as signup, search, or downloadable files, aren’t slow or broken.

Page speed monitoring

  • Analyze your websites and make them faster. Track your website’s load time and find bottlenecks that affect your customers' end-user experience.

Uptime monitoring

  • Uptime really matters. Test your website's availability every minute, automatically, with over 60 global polling locations.

Immediate alerts

  • Be the first to know. Receive alerts via SMS, email, and in-app notifications about error messages, HTTP status, content changes, and more.

Root cause analysis

  • Troubleshoot and resolve issues quickly. Discover why a website or server went down, resolve the issue, and prevent recurrences.

Reports to prove your point

  • Share the results of your various checks. Make data-driven decisions based on reports with beautiful graphs that clearly show trends.

Outside-in, client-side monitoring

  • Application performance visibility regardless of platform. Proactive web application performance visibility across on-premises, hybrid, Azure, AWS, and other cloud environments.

Easy integrations using webhooks

  • Programmatically act on state changes. Use webhooks to integrate Pingdom with popular software, including PagerDuty, HipChat, Slack, and others.