
Network Security is one of the core SASE modules in Coro. Capabilities in this module include:

Remote Office Cluster

  • Protect your corporate network against hijacking, intrusion, adware, malware, and phishing attacks.

Cloud VPN

  • Encrypt all network data for remote users without hurting performance or increasing management overhead.

Cloud Firewall

  • Route all traffic through a virtual, cloud firewall, stripping out malicious before they can attack your devices.

Cloud Security

Cloud Security is one of the core SASE modules in Coro.
With it, you can stop abnormal admin activity, access violations, ID compromise, malware, and mass data changes in the following cloud apps: Microsoft Office 365, Google Workspace, Slack, Dropbox, Box, and Salesforce.


  • Abnormal admin activity
  • Malware in cloud drive
  • Suspected identity compromise
  • Access permissions violation
  • Suspected bot attacks
  • Mass download
  • Mass deletion

Secure Web Gateway

The Secure Web Gateway (SWG) add-on lets you apply DNS filtering to restrict network traffic. DNS filtering can protect your business from malware, viruses, and other potential threats.


  • DNS Filtering: Block access to undesired external resources from your virtual office.
  • Allow/Block Lists: Restrict access to specific URLs, groups of URLs, or content categories.