Attack Surface Coverage

The growing attack surface is challenging. Trend Vision One brings comprehensive security to your environment to monitor, secure, and support:

  • Users and devices – no matter where they are or what they’re doing.
  • Data centre and cloud – from workloads to cloud-native apps and cloud storage.
  • Networks – inclusive of OT/IoT and your service edge.

Eliminate Gaps

  • Siloed tools create security gaps. Trend Vision One serves teams with these robust capabilities for prevention, detection, and response:
  • Cloud operations: Hybrid, multi-cloud security with complete cloud-native application protection.
  • IT Infrastructure: Endpoint, email, and network security that safeguard borderless workforces.
  • SOC: Threat detection and response that extends across security layers to accelerate detection and response.

Manage Cyber Risk

  • Understanding risk exposure is a priority. Leveraging internal and external data sources across the Trend Vision One ecosystem enables greater command of your attack surface risk. Minimise breaches or attacks with deeper insight across key risk factors and prioritised mitigation recommendations.

Anchor, Integrate Operations

  • Achieve your consolidation goals and efficiency gains by leveraging Trend Vision One as your anchor cybersecurity platform. Streamline operations by integrating Trend Vision One across your enterprise’s systems. Connect workflows, gain critical data for added insight, automate repetitive tasks, and orchestrate response actions.

Harness Threat Intelligence

  • By utilising AI, hundreds of threat researchers and data scientists, and over 250 million global sensors, Trend Vision One continuously gains valuable insight into cybercriminal tactics and techniques. This robust industry-leading threat intelligence is automatically put into action, allowing your team to identify new risks, threats, and vulnerabilities immediately.

Managed Service Support

  • Leverage expert resources and managed services to ease the pain of skill shortages and maximise the results. Trend managed services provide the best return by ensuring service integration across the platform and seamless support from the time of deployment.