Barracuda Firewall Control Center

Manage your CloudGen Firewall deployments

Take advantage of centralized management

Rollout, configuration, and lifecycle management of large firewall deployments in dispersed wide area networks with remote locations can be a cumbersome, time-consuming, and costly task. IT professionals require a central management platform that eases the pain of daily administrative routines and frees resources for the wide range of tasks coming with digital transformation projects and other IT challenges.

Roll out scalable firewalls with zero-touch deployment

Digital transformation and cloud adoption are changing the requirements for network architectures. Today, every remote location, often without trained IT staff on site, needs its own firewall. How will you manage the rollout with limited resources? Barracuda’s zero-touch deployment offers the solution. Barracuda CloudGen Firewall units just need to be powered up and connected to the internet. They then connect automatically to Barracuda Firewall Control Center and the configuration data is pushed to CloudGen Firewall via a secure VPN tunnel.

Ensure a consistent security posture

The always-evolving threat landscape makes continuous maintenance and lifecycle management of firewall deployments a business-critical task to ensure a consistent security posture at all times. Gone is the time when only one powerful enterprise firewall secured the organization’s perimeter. Today, IT professionals need to handle a wide-spread security infrastructure with firewalls at headquarters, in every branch office, and in the cloud. Barracuda Firewall Control Center provides the single pane of glass that makes it possible.

Reduce administrative overhead

Managing large firewall deployments comes with a price. Managing only one system may take 15 minutes per day, but what if you need to handle hundreds or even thousands of firewalls? Without a central management platform, this adds up to be a full-time job for several IT admins. With Barracuda Firewall Control Center, managing many CloudGen Firewall appliances takes the same amount of time as managing only one. This significantly reduces the costs associated with security management and frees resources for other IT projects.