171 Results for kore+wireless+group


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Ready Services Group

Spectrum Enterprise Wireless Internet Backup

Secure internet backup

Fully-managed backup Internet connection that is both cost-effective and network diverse.

Fully-managed backup Internet connection that is both cost-effective and network diverse.

Ready Services Group Cyber Security Services

Secure your cyber presence

Cybersecurity solutions that protect your business against cyber threats and information loss.

Cybersecurity solutions that protect your business against cyber threats and information loss.

LinkAmerica Wireless Failover Solution

Internet backup solution

Solution that provides a secondary network with automatic failover to maintain business continuity.

Solution that provides a secondary network with automatic failover to maintain business continuity.

Telesystem Wireless LTE

Redundant and failover solutions

Only LTE connection with an SLA, providing peace of mind with automatic failover guaranteed.

Only LTE connection with an SLA, providing peace of mind with automatic failover guaranteed.

T-Mobile Fixed Wireless Internet for Business

Reliable, high-speed internet solutions

Reliable, high-speed internet solutions providing affordable connectivity, flexibility & coverage.

Reliable, high-speed internet solutions providing affordable connectivity, flexibility & coverage.

Optimum Business LTE Wireless Failover

Fast, secure internet

A solution that help keep critical devices online so you can focus on running your business.

A solution that help keep critical devices online so you can focus on running your business.


Smartel Failover Wireless Internet Circuit

Reliable, low cost business continuity

Real-time data monitoring for devices, adjusting M2M plans and eliminating costly overages.

Real-time data monitoring for devices, adjusting M2M plans and eliminating costly overages.

Webbing Global Wireless Data Solution

Streamlining global data connectivity

Global carrier network that provides the best of class coverage, costs, security & other features.

Global carrier network that provides the best of class coverage, costs, security & other features.

Ready Services Group Cloud Application Integration and Migration

Journey to the cloud services

Design, build, test, and deploy cloud-based solutions while keeping your security priority.

Design, build, test, and deploy cloud-based solutions while keeping your security priority.

Smartel Primary 5G Wireless Business Internet Circuit

Reduce your cost by 30-50%

Primary failover solution, saving businesses money as compared to traditional wireline circuits.

Primary failover solution, saving businesses money as compared to traditional wireline circuits.

PhySaaS Verkada Wireless Locks

Improve door security, go keyless

All-in-one locks for secure, scalable and simplified access control.

All-in-one locks for secure, scalable and simplified access control.
