20 Results for the+detection+group


Smart Features
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Product Focus


Managed detection and incident response

Continuously detect malicious behavior and let Armor's team of experts guide remediation.

Continuously detect malicious behavior and let Armor's team of experts guide remediation.


Segra and UPN DDoS

Protection against DDoS attacks

UPN DDoS Clean Pipe Protection provides a balance of security and performance to combat volumetric attacks that cripple and saturate the entirety of an organization’s infrastructure.

UPN DDoS Clean Pipe Protection provides a balance of security and performance to combat volumetric...

YourSixOS AI

Physical security in the cloud

Powerful fog computing enhancing anomalous behavior detection, making it better equipped to respond.

Powerful fog computing enhancing anomalous behavior detection, making it better equipped to respond.

Malwarebytes ThreatDown

Advanced endpoint protection

Powerfully simple endpoint security that takes down threats, without interrupting business.

Powerfully simple endpoint security that takes down threats, without interrupting business.


Starting at $202.50 /year


Cybersafe SOL XDR

Fully managed solutions

Cutting-edge technology with cybersecurity expertise to ensure that your systems and data are protected from cyberattacks.

Cutting-edge technology with cybersecurity expertise to ensure that your systems and data are...

SilverSky Managed SIEM

Security information event management tool

Detect & respond to threats, and protect your business with actionable security insights.

Detect & respond to threats, and protect your business with actionable security insights.


CrowdStrike Falcon Endpoint Protection

Endpoint security and XDR

The world’s leading AI-native platform for endpoint security.

The world’s leading AI-native platform for endpoint security.


Microsoft NCE 365 Business

Reimagine the way you work

Microsoft 365 is a cloud-based subscription service that brings together the best tools for the way people work today. By combining best-in-class apps like Excel and Outlook with powerful cloud services like OneDrive and Microsoft Teams, Microsoft...

Microsoft 365 is a cloud-based subscription service that brings together the best tools for the way...

