18 Results for zix+by+opentext
Webroot Email Message Privacy
Securely share sensitive files
Securely share large files, manage digital rights and implement e-signatures.
Securely share large files, manage digital rights and implement e-signatures.
Starting at $110.00 /month
Carbonite Migrate
Ensures secure and reliable migration
A product that automates physical, virtual, and cloud workload migrations with minimal risk and downtime.
A product that automates physical, virtual, and cloud workload migrations with minimal risk and...
Starting at $219.00
Webroot Advanced Email Threat Protection
Protect all your email communications
Automatically block malicious threats such as phishing, ransomware, impersonation, BEC & spam-type messages.
Automatically block malicious threats such as phishing, ransomware, impersonation, BEC & spam-type...
Starting at $30.00 /month
Spot FinOps for Google Cloud
Optimizing the cloud cost on Google Cloud
Hands-free cloud infrastructure management with up to 91% cost reduction.
Hands-free cloud infrastructure management with up to 91% cost reduction.
Spot FinOps for AWS
Cloud optimization for AWS
Continuously automate and optimize cloud infrastructure and applications at scale.
Continuously automate and optimize cloud infrastructure and applications at scale.
Spot FinOps for Microsoft Azure
Cloud financial management
Continuously optimize and automate your Microsoft Azure infrastructure to deliver applications at scale.
Continuously optimize and automate your Microsoft Azure infrastructure to deliver applications at...