68 Results for intelishift+data+canopy


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Yes Energy

Data insights that power your business

Data solutions providing comprehensive, robust and high-quality energy data and analytics tools.

Data solutions providing comprehensive, robust and high-quality energy data and analytics tools.

CloudM Archive

Retention and recovery of cloud user data

Archive your data to the cloud, with a cheaper, more efficient, and industry-first archiving.

Archive your data to the cloud, with a cheaper, more efficient, and industry-first archiving.


Starting at $15.00 /year



Sophos Central Intercept X

Advance endpoint management platform

Prevent breaches, ransomware & data loss

Prevent breaches, ransomware & data loss


Starting at $4.96 /month


Seaborn Networks Enterprise Direct Internet Access

High-speed internet connection

Offering secure, reliable, and high-speed internet connection for your business operations.

Offering secure, reliable, and high-speed internet connection for your business operations.

Sold By Seaborn Networks

Sold By Seaborn Networks


Hybrid IT discovery & dependency mapping

Asset management & mapping platform to optimize IT infrastructure & apps for detailed insights.

Asset management & mapping platform to optimize IT infrastructure & apps for detailed insights.


LightEdge Cavern Suite

Ultimate, secure colocation environment

Secure colocation environment providing complete weather & natural disaster-proof amenities.

Secure colocation environment providing complete weather & natural disaster-proof amenities.


Carrier-neutral colocation provider

Empower hybrid & multi-cloud strategies with all-in-one cloud, connectivity & colocation services.

Empower hybrid & multi-cloud strategies with all-in-one cloud, connectivity & colocation services.